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I woke up this morning with more energy than I have ever felt this early before.  I felt like I could practically run a marathon.  I don't know if it was from the wonderful dinner I had last night, the amazing day I had yesterday, or the fact that the boys were coming today.  Or maybe it was all three combined.  Either way, I felt like I needed to do something to burn off this energy.

I hopped out of bed and threw on a pair of plaid pants over my boxers.  My hair was messy but I didn't really care so I just brushed it around with my fingers.  Once I looked at least a bit decent, I ran out of my room and straight into Harry's.  I came to a sudden halt when I saw Harry still sleeping.  He looked so peaceful.  So beautiful, just laying there, probably dreaming of a wonderful place.  I felt a small wave of guilt rush over me as I thought about what I was going to do next, but brushed it off before I allowed it to change my mind.  I had too much energy to just sit in my room alone. 

Without thinking twice, I jumped on top of Harry's bed and started dancing, stepping on his leg a few times.  I was screaming his name and singing along to a tune I was making up on the spot.  I watched as his body flailed in the air as he bounced off the mattress.  He let out a bunch of upset sounds as his eyes peered up to look at his betrayer.  It was me, I was the one betraying him.  Once he had seen it was me, he gave me such a hurt expression, like I had just stabbed him in the back.  Then he grabbed me by the wrist and forced me down on top of him.  He wrapped his arms around my waist and twisted me to the side, holding me down tight.  We were basically spooning, me being the little spoon and him being the big spoon.  I felt his legs wrap around mine as I heard him mumble a soft, "Stop."  I can feel a lump against my butt, is that Harry's...?

I smile but my heart is racing.  The amount of energy I have currently mixed with the Adrenalin I get whenever Harry and I have an interaction is not a healthy combination.

I squirm a bit, freeing myself from his tight grip, and turn myself around so that I'm facing his beautiful resting face.  His eyes are closed but open when he feels me looking at him.  Our faces are only inches apart.  I could just lean in and kiss him here and now.  Should I?

My thoughts are interrupted by his voice.  Such a sexy voice, my goodness.

"Lou, why are you up, it's so early." He mumbles, closing his eyes again.

"What do you mean?  It's 8!" I say, loudly to try and wake him up.

He shushes me as he puts a finger to my mouth.  Suddenly I feel the urge to lick his finger, and for some reason I do.  Usually when I'm tempted to do something crazy, I either get interrupted, chicken out, or talk myself out of it, but this time I just went for it.  I dragged my tongue up his index finger and watched as his eyes snapped open.  He looked at me, then at his finger, then back up at me.

Oh what have I done, you freaked the poor boy out.

"Don't shush me or I will do that again." I say, trying to play it off as if I was just bullying him.

I watched as he lowered his finger, wiped it on the sheets, and stuck out his tongue in a disgusted manner. 

Well you didn't have to do that Styles.  Having your crush look like they're about to throw up after you licked their finger is not a good sign.

I shake it off and continue waking him up.

"I'm super energetic for some reason and I don't want to be alone just sitting in my room.  Please come play with me!" I ask, getting even closer to him and opening my eyes big whilst sticking my bottom lip out. 

"Play with you?  What are we, five?" He asks as he closes his eyes again.

"Stop!" I scream, putting both my hands to his cheeks, "Don't close your eyes!  Wake up!" I continue screaming.  I pity him, I truly do.  If someone was doing this to me, they would be dead in a matter of seconds.  But Harry's a kind little princess, the worst he would do to me is yell... slightly.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now