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We unlock the front door and walk into our still unfamiliar new house for the next two weeks. We take our shoes off and walk over into the family room. There's a bookshelf full of movies and I start rummaging through them reading out titles as Harry says "yes" or "no" and gets popcorn in the microwave.

"The Shining"


"Brother Bear"


"The Little Mermaid"

"No, god so many different genres you're throwing at me right now"

I smile, "Princess Bride"

"Ooh! Yes! 100%! I love that movie!"

"Okay, it's settled, we'll watch Princess Bride."

"Unfortunately there's no scary bad guy that I need to protect you from."

"I'll find something to be scared of." I smile looking at him as he brings the popcorn bag out of the microwave. He stares at me so hard he doesn't realize where he's grabbing and ends up burning himself.

"Ah! Geez!" He screams.

I rush over to him. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I just burned myself."

"Were you not paying attention or something." I say even though I know darn well that he burned himself because he was staring at me, I just wanted to hear him say it.

"I guess not." He says as he turns on the cold water and puts his hand underneath.

Not the answer I was hoping for, but I don't care.

I grab a towel and wrap it around Harry's hand to dry it off. "Does it feel better?" I ask.

"Yeah it does, thanks." He responds looking into my eyes again. And once again his big green eyes pierce into mine, sending chills all throughout my body.

"Let's go sit down and start the movie, it'll keep your mind off of the pain."

He nods and we walk over to the couch. He sits first as I grab a blanket. With the remote and blanket in my hand, I sit right next to him. After I click play, adjust the volume, and put the remote on the coffee table, I lay the blanket over both of us and proceed to lay down on Harry's chest. I have my hands propped under my head to create a sort of cushion and he has his arms wrapped around me. I feel so safe and protected, almost like nothing bad in this world could ever touch me as long as I have my Hazza with me. We've never really cuddled before like this, but it feels so natural, like we have always been supposed to do it. I don't feel out of place at all or uncomfortable and I hope he feels the same way.

My head rises and falls with every breath he takes. It's so peaceful and relaxing I could just fall asleep right then and there even though it was like 2:30 in the afternoon.

The movie starts and Harry and I exchange looks of excitement. We sit silently and watch the movie, an occasional comment from Harry at different parts of the movie, but besides that, no words are said.

I start to feel my eyes get heavy. Every blink gets harder to keep from staying closed. The pattern of Harry's breathing soothes my every tight muscle and forces me to relax. Within minutes of allowing my eyes to stay closed, I drift off the sleep.

- - -


I open my eyes a crack and see Phoebe sitting right in front of me, turned towards my mom who was in the kitchen.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now