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This is my first story and it doesn't have many reads, but I don't even care because I didn't write this story for it to go big, I wrote it because I wanted a place to be able to put all of my Larry dreams! :)

It's October 3rd, 2020 today, and only two days ago, LOUIS WAS SUPER ACTIVE ON TWITTER! We love to see it.  I just love Louis so much.  He's so pure and deserves the world.  Well, before I go on a two hour rant about how perfect Louis Tomlinson is and how the world doesn't deserve sunshine as bright as his, I just really wanted to say thank you!

I started this book July 24, 2020, and finished around September 8th.  Never in a million years would I have thought that I would've stuck to it and finished it.  It merely started as an idea inspired by AndreBsGirl's book, Truth or Dare, and you can probably tell, there were a few parallels, but then I got super into it and had trouble stopping myself from writing it and forcing myself to do my school work.

I hope you liked how I ended it.  I have never read a fanfiction that ended quite like it and I've always wanted to read one, so I decided to just write it instead.  I don't know, maybe I thought it would give me some closure and hope for the future of Larry Stylinson.

Who knows if someday you're reading this, maybe years after I've published it, and Larry is out and free and you're laughing about how oblivious we used to be and how hopeful we all were for the future.  That would be so amazing holy crap. 

Shoutout to @leah074and @mirandadibb for being here since the beginning and for commenting!  I swear, anytime I get a notification that someone commented, my heart flickers (Stream Flicker by Niall Horan).

I would love it if you would vote for my story and comment your favorite part of the book or just something you liked about it!  I love hearing your feedback!

Also let's just take a moment to appreciate the boys.  Ever since I joined the fandom, I've felt nothing but happiness.  They have introduced me to so many new people who have become some of my best friends, they give me an outlet and a place to go if I feel stressed about whatever shit is happening in my life, and they always somehow make me feel better, even though they don't know me!! 

But before I go, I just want to say one last thank you for the people who stuck through it and read the whole book!  You mean the world to me, I'm not even joking!


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