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When we arrived home, Zayn and Liam were in the kitchen cooking something that smelled amazing.

Since when was everyone a cook? Maybe I need to learn how to cook. Ooh, maybe Harry should teach me.

"What are you guys cooking?" I ask as I take in a huge sniff of the wonderful aroma.

"Liam's making hash browns and scrambled eggs, and I have waffles in the toaster and I'm making pancakes and sausages." Zayn announces.

"Wow, you boys are precious." Anne says as she walks over to Zayn and puts her arms around him.

"Someone wake Niall up, the food's almost done."

Harry and I immediately lock eye contact and give each other the most devious smiles.

"We will!" We both say in unison.

We rush up stairs and quickly come to a silent halt once we're right outside my old room. We quietly creak the door open and peer in at a sleeping Niall. We tip toe in, staying as silent as possible, and once we're both on either side of the bed, I signal to Harry to get a grip on the comforter. Once we're both holding tightly onto the comforter, I mouth "3...2...1" and we both strip it right off of Niall, then jump right on top of the bed screaming "Nialler! GET UP! GET UP! GET UP!" at the top of our lungs.

He retracts his body into a ball and loudly expresses his anger by shooting a fist right into Harry's balls. Oof, careful Niall, I want those in perfect shape for when they're mine.

Harry winces from the pain and immediately falls to the ground, curling into a ball and grabbing his area trying to soothe the pain. I watch as his face breaths in and out trying to cope with the pain. I mean what can you do but laugh at that.

I continue jumping on Niall, with my hands over my area for protection of course.

"Get up Niall! Food's ready!"

He immediately shoots up and jumps out of bed, almost stepping on poor Harry still trying to breathe.

He looks at me, points, and says "I'm coming for you Tomlinson, but first, I'm coming for that food." And he marches out of the room and down the stairs.

I walk over to Harry still curled in a ball on the ground and lower myself onto my knees. I put a hand on his shoulder, trying my best not to laugh at his pain.

"Aw poor Hazza, are they feeling any better?"

He can't say anything, he only looks up to me and breathes heavily.

"Wow that boy can punch." He finally gets out as he's finally getting over the pain. I reach my hand out to help him up as he begins to uncurl himself from his tight ball.

"Thanks Lubba." He says once he's standing, still obviously in pain.

"So let me ask you this, was that worse or less painful than when I hit you in the balls during the X-Factor?"

"Honestly, worse. Niall's got some strength to him when he's mad."

I huff and cross my arms angrily. "I guess I'll just have to hit you harder." I smirk as I look down at his area.

"Don't you dare, Tomlinson." He says quickly covering where I'm looking with his hands.

We walk out of my old room and back downstairs to find the table set and the food all out and ready for us to eat.

"I can't believe you boys did this. You're lovely." My mom says, kissing Liam's cheek.

We all dig in and just like Harry and I had a few nights ago, all of our faces lit up with delight. It was delicious. I was half expecting it to be inedible but I guess I didn't give Liam and Zayn enough credit.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now