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We all return to our rooms, Zayn and Liam to the red room, Niall to my room, and Harry and I to his room.

"I'm not tired." I express as I close the door behind us.

"I'm not either." Harry jumps on his bed and goes into a criss-cross-apple-sauce position.

"Maybe we should round up the boys and play a game." I suggest as if I hadn't been thinking about it since dinner. His face lights up.

"That's such a good idea! What game?"

"I don't know, maybe... Truth or Dare?"

He smiles a devious smile. "You get Zayn and Liam and I'll get Niall."

We high five and rush out of our room, on a mission to have the best last night with the boys.

Once the three of them are all rounded up in Harry's room, we sit them down in a circle. "What's up boys? Why are we here?" Zayn asks.

"Well Harry and I aren't really tired so we thought we could play Truth or Dare tonight. Sort of like a last night party." I explain. I watch as all three boys simultaneously express their excitement by straightening their backs and smiling. Harry and I return the smile as we sit down to finish the circle.

"I'll go first. Zayn, truth or dare?" I ask.


"Hm, starting off easy eh?"

He shrugs his shoulders.

"Would you ever date a fan?"

He cocks his head to the side and looks up, thinking carefully about his answer.

"I mean yes, it's not them being a fan that's a deal breaker, it's them only seeing me as a member of a world famous boy band that's a deal breaker. In fact, I'd need her to be a fan of us or it would be hard to have a relationship. Just as long as she loves me for me."

"Well said lad, well said. It's your turn to ask someone." I say.

"Truth or dare Liam?"


"Mm spicy! I dare you to knock on the mum's room and say 'I wet the bed, can you come clean it up?' and then run away."

"Wow, you're mean Zayn. Poor Anne and Jay." Liam says, "Don't we have a chicken we can use?"

"Nah, since it's only one game there's no point." I say.

"Fine, I'll do it."

We all follow him as he sneaks downstairs. We wait on the stairs as he approaches their door. He looks back and gives us one last regretting face before he knocks on their door. He doesn't wait for an answer before yelling, "I wet the bed! Can you come clean it up?". He immediately rushes up the stairs and we all run into Harry's room and shuts the door. We sit in the circle quietly, listening for anything to happen. We hear a door open, and then close a few seconds later.

We all let out a sigh as we realized she probably shook it off and returned to what she was doing.

"Harry, truth or dare?" Liam asks.



"Heyyy!" Harry yelps crossing his arms and making a pouty face.

"I'm kidding Harry." He says as he crawls over to him and hugs him.

Hey, only I can hug Hazza. Wait no, that's not true. He's not MINE. Of course Liam can hug him. Jeez I need to relax.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now