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I feel the presence of life around me as I begin to wake up. Slowly opening my eyes, I yawn and take in my surroundings. It takes me a moment to realize I'm not in my room. As my eyes adjust to the extra light that this room has compared to mine, I look around to try and figure out where I am.

There's a lot of white in this room. Also why can I see the lake out of the window?

As I question where I am, I suddenly feel very aware of something underneath me. But not like bedding, it felt more tangible, more real. Without moving my head, I feel around with my hands, trying to understand what I'm on top of. I clutch fabric as I squeeze my fists. I let my hands explore as they adventure over the curves and corners of whatever I'm on top of. Whatever it is is forcing my hands to lift up and back down in a relaxed pattern.

It's a person! I'm laying on someone.

I take in a deep sniff with my nose to see if I can recognize whom I'm laying on. A strong scent of vanilla fills my nose and relaxes every bone and muscle in my body. I only know one person with that scent.

Hazza! I'm laying on top of Hazza!

Only then do I look up to make sure I'm correct about my assumption. Yup, I look up and my eyes meet a very tired looking Hazza with closed eyes and an upset expression painted on his face. He's sleeping but doesn't look happy about it. Was he having a bad dream? Or was he worried about me? Also why am I sleeping with him?

Once I had enough time to process my location and whom I'm sharing it with, I let out a sigh and return my head back onto his chest. I like it here. I wish I could sleep like this every night. I close my eyes as I drift off to sleep. I'm almost back in dream land when I feel a strong hand on my shoulder.

"Lubba? Are you awake?" I hear Harry in the distance.

"Lubba, had you woken up just now?"

I let out a noise as if to say, "yes, but now I'm sleeping so be a doll and stop talking".

"Do you need anything?" He asks. Although I don't open my eyes to see his expression, I can hear the worry and desperateness to be helpful in his voice.

"I need you to stop talking, put your arms back around me, and let me sleep." I say, my mouth pressed against his T-shirt, which is odd once I realize Harry doesn't wear clothes to bed. Maybe he just wanted to be respectful since I was sleeping with him. My heart picks up speed as I think, am I wearing clothes?

I move my hands down to my chest, okay I've got a shirt on, and then bring them down to my pants, and I have pants on, perfect.

I smile as I bring my hands back up under my head and pressed against Harry's chest. I close my eyes again and start to drift off.

- - -

I yawn again as I open my eyes once more. Remembering where I am and who I'm with, a huge smile erupts on my face. I look up to see Harry already awake and staring at me. A smile forms on his face like it just had on mine. I stare into his big green eyes as he stares into mine. I sigh as I realize how much I actually love this boy. I feel so comfortable with that feeling now, like all of the sudden it's so natural for me to know that I'm in love with my best friend. I don't know why it changed so rapidly, but it did.

Then suddenly, everything comes back to me. Grabbing Harry and pulling him on top of me, falling down onto the cement and feeling a sharp rock pierce into my skin, suddenly feeling woozy and weak, passing out, and then dreaming. The dream! I had forgotten about the dream. Leaning in so close to Harry's face, only milliseconds from kissing his lips, then waking up again to Harry freaking out. Tears in his eyes as he realizes I'm bleeding and proceeds to carry me inside as I drift back off to sleep, then continuing my previous dream, only skipping a very crucial part. Then of course having the talk with Harry about how I feel, and realizing that I was okay with it. I was okay with all of it. I was okay with my feelings being towards a man, especially since that man was my best friend. I was okay with the notion of kissing him. I was okay with everything. I was okay with being in love with Harry Styles.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now