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It's the seventh day of the vacation. The boys have been staying with us for three days now. The first day we went on a picnic, the second day we spent at home playing games and in the late afternoon we watched a movie at the closest cinema, which leaves us with today. They were leaving tomorrow so we wanted to make sure we did everything we could on our last day.

I woke up early this morning, from the loud sounds of something moving in Harry's room. I squinted my eyes open and peered around the room. Harry was sitting up in the bed, fussing with the sheets.

"What are you doing Hazza?" I whisper, closing my eyes again.

"Oh did I wake you? I'm sorry Lubba, I really didn't want to." He whispers back.

"Don't worry, but what are you doing?" I say again, looking over at the clock on the bedside table. It read 6:47 am.

"Hazza it's 6:50! Go back to bed!" I say as I reach up and throw my arms around his bare chest, pulling him back down with me. The feeling of his bare chest against my arms sparks lightning all throughout my system. Suddenly I'm awake.

"Sorry Lubba, but I'm not tired. I was going to go on a run." He says, head pressed under my chin.

"Since when do you run?" I ask, lifting my chin off of the top of his head and staring down into his eyes, with my eyebrows pressed together in a confused manner.

"Well, I don't really, but I don't want to just lay in bed."

"But I'm in bed. Am I not enough for you?" I ask, giving him my best puppy dog pouty face.

He looks down at my puckered lips and smiles. "Of course you are Lubba! I'll stay right here with you for as long as you want." I feel his strong arms embrace me in a mitigating hug. I feel my whole body relax, but I'm still not tired.

Wow that spark really fucked up my sleep schedule. Now I'm up at 6 and not complaining.

"Nah, I'm not tired anymore. I'll go out with you while we wait for the other boys to wake up."

I pull myself away from Harry as I sit up, he follows. We get out of bed, finding ourselves just standing in front of each other, in only boxers.

Oof, awkward.

I quickly pull up a pair of pants and pull on a blue shirt. I find my eyes peeking to the side a bit and taking sly glances as Harry's area. I look at Harry and he's doing the same.

Hmm, I wonder?

Once we're fully clothed, we walk down the stairs and towards the garage. We pass Zayn and Liam's room and peek our heads in to find Zayn sleeping on the top bunk, snoring like a hippo, and Liam fully on the floor. He must've fallen out of bed.

Harry and I look at each other and cover our mouths trying not to laugh. Once we're outside, we let go and just let it out. I almost fall to the floor from laughing so hard. The way Liam was positioned on the ground just kept replaying in my head and made it funnier and funnier.

It took us a moment to compose ourselves and stop laughing, and multiple times after we had, we locked eye contact and started laughing all over again, repeating the process.

Once we had finally stopped laughing, we stood up from the ground and started walking.

"You know I'm not running, right?" I ask Harry.

"I figured." He looks at me and grins.

I had just realized how many times we had just walked around the two of us, with no plan but to waste time. But that time was never wasted. We always ended up doing something memorable. God, I loved our walks. I wish we could do this everywhere and anytime without being bombarded by paparazzi or our fans, whom we love so much, but can sometimes get in the way of some things.

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