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I woke up the next morning, or I guess just later that morning, with Harry's arm drooped over me and my arms squeezing tightly around his middle.  I have so much left over Adrenalin racing through my veins, I have no idea how I managed to fall asleep.  I had so many thoughts flooding my system all night long, they even crowded my dreams; What does this mean?  What do we do now?  Where is this going to go?  How far does he want to go?

All I know is that I wanted to be his and I wanted him to be mine.  I wanted to be able to feel every part of his body against mine whenever I wanted.  And I know I will not be able to go through my life if I can't explore every part of his body.  I want access to every crease and crevice and I want to grant him access to mine.  But who knows if he feels the same, we didn't really talk about it yesterday.

I look up to him and admire the beauty painted on his face as he twitches his arm and slowly wakes up.  I can't help but smile, remembering the feeling of my lips against his.  I wish I could just lean up and kiss them again, but what if his "feelings" yesterday were just another spark-of-the-moment thing?  I don't want to rush him into anything.

He looks down at me as his eyes adjust to the light around him.

"Hello Lubba."

"Hello Hazza.  Did you sleep well."

"I slept better than ever.  There's something about having you around me that always triggers wonderful sleep.  I don't think we should ever stop sleeping together, it would just be rude to my sleep schedule."

I smile even harder, "I agree."

"How did you sleep." He asks back.

"I was on a cloud, with fluffy rabbits everywhere, and Moments playing in the background.  It was heaven."

He sunk lower in the bed until our heads were at the same level.  He wraps his arms around my waist, lifts one leg until it's rested over my hips, and then looks right into my eyes, sending chills all throughout my body.

Then he leaned in.  Our fourth ever kiss.  I was taking in every second, making sure I remembered it.  Each kiss we've shared so far has had its own characteristics.  I can describe each kiss and remember each one by it's unique traits.  It's strange, and extremely new.  Every other kiss I've ever experienced is coming up as a blur in my memory, but Harry's?  It's like I'm watching them in a cinema in 3D whenever I think back on them.  I mean I suppose they happened not even 12 hours ago, but still, I highly doubt they will ever fade.

As he pulls his lips away, every doubt of how he feels about me drains and disappears.



"What do you want to do, about this?"

He smiles and sighs, "Everything."

I cock my head, expressing how confused I am.

"I want to experience everything with you.  I always have.  I knew, ever since I met you, that I liked you, and I never knew how you felt about me, but I always told myself 'Harry, you will be spending the rest of your life with Louis, whether it be as best friends, just friends, or husbands, you got that Harry?' but now that, well last night happened, I can't wait for all of the extra things we get to do."

I can't help but beam as I feel my heart light up.  Who needs electricity when you've got Louis after Harry Styles says any sentence to him?

"Like what?" I ask, falsely oblivious.

He grins, sort of rebelliously.  "I mean, I don't know how you feel, so I don't want to embarrass myself." He breaks eye contact and starts paying attention to his hand, which is now twirling the sheets.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now