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The rest of the day we had spent just relaxing.  We all went on a pretty long walk and caught up even more, which I didn't think was possible.  And when we returned, a wonderful dinner was laid out for us.  Our moms need to stop spoiling us this much.  Actually no, don't stop please.

Once we were all stuffed, we started talking about sleeping arrangements.

"So there's a room with a bunk bed so that'll fit two people, but there's still one boy we have to squeeze somewhere."

"I could sleep with Harry." I suddenly hear the words slip out of my mouth without me even realizing.

Jeez Louis that's so out of the blue!  I don't even think people were thinking about that!  I mean yes it would be fantastic, but he's not going to want to!

I watch as his head snaps towards me and he locks eye contact with me.  At first he looks completely stunned and caught off guard, struggling to say anything, but then I see his face relax and a smirk crawls it's way onto it.

"Yeah, Louis can just sleep with me."

Wow, there goes my heart again.  I can't take this constant emotional roller coaster.

"Okay and I'll take Louis's room.  So you and Zayn can take the other room." Niall says, looking at Liam.

We all nod our heads to lock in the plan we just made.  I lock it in so hard, I'm not letting anything change up these plans, I'm extremely satisfied with them.  I can't help but portray the biggest smile on my face as we all head into our rooms.  I quickly go into my room and grab some things that I need like my charger, my pajamas, which I never wear but I realize sleeping in just boxers with Harry would be odd, and my stuffed bear that Lottie got me when we were kids.

When I get into his room, I see him searching through his drawers pulling out clothes.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm just picking out what I'm wearing tomorrow."

"You're so girly." I joke as I start to pull my clothes off and put on my pajamas.

"Since when do you wear pajamas to bed?" He asks as he notices me dressing into my plaid pants and white shirt.

"Well I don't know, would you mind if I'm only in my boxers?"

"No, I'll be only in my boxers, which by the way is more than I usually wear so you're welcome." He smirks.

No, please Harry, you don't need to wear your boxers.

"It would be more comfortable." I say shrugging, pretending I'm not freaking out inside because he practically told me to get naked.

No, he didn't mean it like that.  Stop getting your hopes up.  He just wants you to sleep well, that's all.

Once I'm in my boxers and my phones plugged in, I hop in bed next to Harry.  We start facing away from each other and on complete opposite sides of the bed, but as we start to get more comfortable with the idea of sleeping in the same bed, we slowly inch closer to each other.

We're still facing away from each other, but  can feel Harry's back bump against mine.  I sigh with relief from the contact between our bare skin.  It's like I've been holding in a breath the entire time I've been scooching towards him.  I notice that I'm in the middle of the bed which means that he must've done some scooching as well.  That's a good sign.  As I finally start to relax a bit and get less tense, I suddenly feel a bunch of movement coming from Harry.

He flips around and wraps his arms around my waist.  I have no shirt on so this is full on contact.  Skin to skin.  I almost feel dirty, like we should only be doing this if we're dating, which we aren't, but I don't want it to stop.  I reach my arms down and wrap them over where his arms lay around my stomach.  My knees are curled up and I can feel the bend of his legs under me.  He's full on spooning me.  I guess I've taken the rightful position of little spoon, which is off because I vaguely remember him telling Niall that he's the little spoon in an interview.  Hm, maybe next time we'll switch.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now