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We walk into the house to find it still dark and empty. Harry's mom must still be out, and my mom must still be driving back from dropping my sisters off. So I still have a little bit of alone time with my Hazza.

I know how I feel about Harry, but I have no clue how he feels about me, and I need to know. I need some answers...and I know exactly how to get them.

"Do you want to play Truth or Truth?" I ask as I flop myself on the couch.

"Is that like Truth or Dare but with only truths?" He asks as he sits down, grabs my legs, and pulls them on top of his, massaging my feet and ankles.

I shiver. "Yeah, pretty self explanatory."

He shakes his head in a mocking manner, "Yeah, pretty self explanatory." He says, mocking what I just said.

I laugh and shake it off. "You go first, ask me a question."

"Okay. Well first off, truth or truth?"

"Hm, let me think about that... what were my options?" We smile at each other as we hold in our laughs. We fail.

Once we collect ourselves, he continues with his question.

"Would you be down for a threesome?" He asks, smiling.

"Woah there Styles, let a man ease into the game first." We laugh. "Probably not, it's not special like that." He looks down and brings his hands in front of his face as he pretends to fix his hair, but I can see that he's smiling and beginning to blush.

He looks up again a few seconds later, back to normal, and nods his head. "My thoughts exactly."

"We're soulmates, what have I been telling you Hazza?" I say. It's a part of my "drop little cutesy shit into our conversation to see how he reacts" plan to see if I can decode his feelings. After that little remark, I can see him blush, but not in an embarrassed or sheepish way, but in more of a forced way. Like he's going along with the act. I frown slightly, not understanding how to read his face. Then he blows me a kiss and winks. More of this cutesy shit. Is he playing along or doing exactly what I'm doing? He's so confusing.

Instead of letting it bother me, I catch his kiss and stuff it in my back pocket. "Truth or truth?" I ask.

"Truth." He says after a slight pause, as if he had more than one option.

"Do you have any kinks?" I ask, more intrigued than I should be.

He tilts his head upwards, squints his eyes, taps his chin with his right index finger, and lets out a soft, "hmmm".

"Maybe when someone whispers in my ear." He finally says.

I take a few things away from his confession.

a) He didn't use a pronoun, so he wasn't gender specific.

b) I do that quite frequently so I wonder if he likes it, in that way.

c) I'll be doing that more often, I suppose.

I let out a content "hm" as if processing the new information. Before he has a chance to ask me, I say, "Truth".

He smiles and laughs. "You asked me this in the corn maze, but now I wanna know, where's your favorite place to be kissed?" He asks, raising his eyebrow.

I press my eyebrows together, thinking. I don't really know honestly, if it's the right person, I like being kissed anywhere. I think back to all of my experiences kissing to try and find the most pleasurable memory. There was one time, I was snogging my ex-girlfriend from high school and she had me pressed up against the couch while she was on top of me, a feeling I'm not used to being usually the one on top, and she was kissing my neck and my collarbone which felt pretty nice. It would feel a whole lot better if it was Harry kissing me there.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now