33 : The End

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-Again, listen to the music, AND LOOK AT THE GIF-


Harry raced up the stairs after Johannah as she screamed with laughter. He scooped her in his arms and lifted her above his head, almost as a victory dance. As he walked back down the stairs, he huddled her in close.

"I got you Jo!"

"Not fair daddy, you have long legs!" She whined while holding tightly onto her favorite person.

Harry giggled as he tickled her slightly, causing the beautiful sounds of her laughter to fill the room. He loved Jo with all of his heart. Nothing in the world could stop him from protecting her.

He brought her back into the kitchen and plopped her back on the bar stool in front of her notebook.

"But daddy I don't like writing! Can't I just not do it?"

"No Jo, you have to do your school work if you want to grow up and be a big girl," Harry spoke softly to his six-year-old. "It's easy, all your teacher wants you to do is write about what happened this weekend. So think back on all of the fun things dadda and you did."

She put her pencil to her mouth and tapped it against her lip while looking up.

"Hmm, we went to the football field and played football!"

"And how was it?" Harry asked as if he hadn't been watching on the sidelines, holding the snacks and making sure everyone stayed hydrated.

"So much fun! I scored against Freddie!"

"So write about that! Write about how you felt when you got a goal past your big tough brother."

Harry watched proudly as motivation flooded his daughters eyes and she began writing viciously.


Harry's head snapped to the dining room where he heard his favorite voice calling from.

"Yeah Lubba?"

"Can you come help Freddie with his maths, I don't get."

Harry shook his head and laughed as he stood from the kitchen table, rubbing Jo's back. "You just keep writing, I'm going to go help dadda with math."

She nodded, keeping her focus on her paper.

Harry wandered into the dining room, taking a moment to look around and relive all of the memories he had of all of Louis's failed meals and all of the laughs they shared.

"It's 3rd grade math, how hard can it possibly be." He asked as he snaked his arm around his husband's perfect waist.

"Don't give me that tone Hazza, it's hard. I mean who needs to divide decimals? Just use a calculator!"

Harry laughed at his love's frustration as he bent down to look at Freddie's worksheet.

The answer almost came to Harry instantaneously, and Louis knew this because he huffed and gave one last miffed kiss to Harry's forehead before excusing himself and going to help Jo. Writing was much more of Louis's thing. He loved the way words came to him. They almost danced around in his head, begging to be written down and documented as a song, story, or anything in between.

After Louis and Harry had announced their love to the world, they exited the stage to quickly run into Simon, who had furry shining on his face in such an ugly way. He started screaming at the kids, Louis gripping onto Harry's hand, knowing that Harry was on the verge of tears. Louis was about to curse back but was beaten to it by Paul who rightfully soccer punched the side of Simon's face, sending him crashing on the floor.

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