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I woke up to a wonderful smell. The scent of a fresh cooked breakfast flooded my room. I could smell toast, eggs, sausage, and bacon. Maybe there were even pancakes as well. I jumped out of bed, threw a shirt on and pulled on some plaid pants. I ran downstairs, following the smell that was so enticing and inviting, and saw Harry and his mom standing by the stove. Harry was fiddling with the scrambled eggs on a pan, and his mom was flipping the pancakes. Yes, there were pancakes! Once they had heard me come downstairs, they turned and smiled at me.

"You're up!" Harry yells, almost flipping some of the eggs off of the pan. "We have a surprise for you." He says mischievously as he points to the table that was around the corner from where I was standing. I turn and look and before I can even realize what it is, two balls of energy jump on me.

"Daisy! Phoebe!" I scream, wrapping them both in a hug and lifting them off of the ground. "I missed you guys so much!" As I hug them I look up at the table and see Felicite, Lottie, and Georgia sitting with my mom. They stand up and walk over to me with big smiles on their faces. Once they get close enough to grab, I force them into the hug that I'm sharing with the twins.

"When did you guys get here!?" I ask, overjoyed from seeing them.

"I drove, picked them up, and got back around 9 this morning." I hear my mom explain.

We all hug and laugh as we just enjoy being with each other. Harry and Anne come over and sit with my mom, watching me with all of my sisters huddled together. I couldn't be happier.

After we calm down and all take our seats, I start talking about the plan for the day. "What do we want to do?" I ask.

"There's a mall a little ways away that your sisters want to go to." I hear my mom tell me.

"Okay perfect, we'll go there. And I can take a separate car in case Harry and I want to leave early. You know us, shopping isn't our favorite event." I look at Harry and smile, thinking back to the last time we went shopping together.

We were practically bombarded as we tried to go into a Nike store. From the hassle it took us to get there, you would've thought it would be worth it and that we would've found some great items, but no. We found nothing. We looked at the entire store, which was emptied of people for our convenience, even though we didn't ask for it and basically thought it was weird the entire time, and found absolutely nothing. After the whole process of getting there and leaving, we were both exhausted by the time we got back into the car. Hopefully this time won't be like that.

As we all got situated and grabbed whatever we needed to grab for this mall experience, we flooded into 2 different cars. My sisters and our moms into the minivan Lottie had taken up here, and Harry and I into my mom's car.

"This'll be fun." Harry says cheerfully.

"Hopefully it's not like last time." I say looking at him and grinning.

"Your mom says this is a pretty secluded area so hopefully not."

We share a laugh. I love the feeling of laughing with Harry. My whole chest lights up and my cheeks practically break from being lifted so high by my smile.

We drive the rest of the way listening to the radio. We both break out in such a loud laughing storm when we hear the radio announcer saying, "On next, hit single from the world's biggest boy band, What Makes You Beautiful!"

You're insecure, don't know what for...

"LIAM! Oh my god if he knew this was on he would die." Harry screams from laughter.

"The way he sings this in the music video, I'M DYING!" I say as Harry and I practically pass out from laughter.

Don't need makeup, to cover up...

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now