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I hadn't even realized I was crying until a tear detached from my cheek and splashed against the note I was holding so delicately on to.  I pulled the note to my chest, almost feeling as if it was Louis's hand against my heart.  My once dry eyes were filled to the tip with tears.  They streamed down my face and I didn't even try to stop them.

I fell to my knees in the middle of the room I would leave in just a few short days.  I cried with so much pain in my heart it was like one of those movie scenes that got the whole audience teary-eyed.  My head fell down until my chin was rested on my chest.  I was furiously grasping the piece of paper because it felt like that was the last of Louis that would ever be "mine".  The sobs that left my mouth were loud and could break anyone's heart who could hear them.  My breath was staggered and fading away.  My asthma was starting to kick in.  I didn't care about my lungs at the moment, I just wanted Louis.

I wasn't mad, I was just so so heartbroken.  Why did he let us go so easily?  And there was so much in the note that made no sense.  If he was so sad about us not being together, why did he leave me in the first place?  And who's this brown-haired man he kept bringing up?  

I had to find Louis.  

I forced my broken body to stand up and compose itself.  I gently placed the note on my bed and walked rather rushed out of my room and down the stairs.  I quickly slipped my shoes on and grabbed the same jacket I had been wearing only an hour and a half ago.

It was already almost three in the afternoon and I hadn't seen my Lou-, I mean Louis, since last night.  I felt deprived which only motivated me to hurry up even more.  I rushed out the door and down the driveway.  I got to the split in the road and huffed realizing I wasn't sure which way he went.  I squished my eyebrows together and frowned, I guess I'll go one way and then try the other way if I don't find him.

I took a right.

I walked down the winding pavement, walking proper fast as I searched my eyes everywhere around me.  The trees blew heavily and I could see the clouds in the sky darken by the minute.  My skin was becoming sticky as the air humidified around me.

Well that's great.  Now I better find Louis, I don't want him to be caught in the rain.

I knew almost everything about Louis, even though right now I felt like I knew nothing, so I knew that he was terrified of thunderstorms.  He would act all tough around everyone, acting like nothing scared him, but the second the sky opened up and thunder erupted around us, he would knock on the door of my hotel room and sit in my bed with me.  We'd just sit and talk.  Whatever came to our mind we would say to each other, we had no filter.  It was nice but extremely dangerous because there were many times where I was on the verge of spilling everything to him.  How I loved him with my entire heart and have since the X-Factor, how special he made me feel when I was the only one he would come to during a thunderstorm, how eager I was to pull him in and cuddle him until we both fell asleep, and then wake up with my arms around him, I wanted to tell him all of it.  

So I had to find him before the thunder started.  

I had been walking for about ten minutes until I started to hear something in the distance.  It was a voice.  A voice I knew I would never forget.  And it sounded stressed.  It was hurried and sounded higher than it usually was.


My call out didn't interrupt his fast talking at all so I assumed he didn't hear me.  I walked towards the voice and walked around a thick tree trunk until I could see him, the most important person in my life who, with his back to me, was pacing back and forth.  I was about to walk to him and ask him to come back to the house when something he said made me stop in my tracks.

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