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I woke up with a cold presence surrounding me.  I fumbled my arms around and found that I was grabbing onto nothing.  My eyes snapped open and met an empty bed. 

"Hazza?" I whispered to the empty room.  His missing residence making me shoot straight up in bed and search around for him.  Nothing.

"Hmf."  I let out as I crossed my arms to show the zero people in the room how upset I was.

I threw the sheets off of me and slung my bare legs to the side of the bed.  They just barely reached the ground, to the point where only my toes were touching, so I pushed off the bed and used momentum to stand up.  I walked to the dresser and slipped on a pair of plaid pajama pants.  I quickly brushed my teeth, but was too anxious to know where Harry was to brush my hair or put cologne on.  I slumped down the stairs, still tired from just waking up. 

A wonderful scent of bacon and eggs filled my nose.  I turned the corner and saw Harry standing over the stove, rearranging the eggs that were cooking.  He was also bare chested with pajama pants on.  Wow did he look ravishing.  He was so focused on his cooking, he hadn't noticed me creeping up behind him.  I quieted my steps to make sure he didn't hear me as I got closer.  Once I was close enough to touch him, I slung my arms around his torso, trapping his arms to his side.  I felt him jump from the unsuspected attack.

"Lubba! You scared me, I could've dropped my spatula!"

I chuckled at his pointless argument.  He finally settled down and grabbed my hands which were hooked to each other around his torso.  He nuzzled the side of his face against mine which was sitting on his shoulder.  The feeling of our bare skin against each other filled my heart with lust and brought me right back to last night.

My vulgar thoughts were rapidly interrupted by Harry taking a hold of my wrists in one hand, pulling them above his head, spinning so that we were facing each other, and pushing his face only inches away from mine.

Like always, my heart began to race.  I swear, the power this man holds.

With his other arm, he snaked it around my waist, making me squirm a bit as his fingers tickled me along their way, and then pulled me in impossibly close.

He finally let go of my wrists and allowed them to droop down, finding their resting place on his shoulders.  The hand that was once holding my small wrists was now finding its way around my waist.

I loved this moment with my whole heart.  Our bodies connected at every seam, our lips only inches apart, and our eyes blazing into each other's.

"I made you eggs." He finally let out.

"I noticed.  It smells wonderful."

"Well what can I say, I'm an excellent chef."

I squeezed my hand in between us and pushed him away, annoyed at his cheesy cockiness.  He had a mix of a glare and a chuckle written out on his face. 

I smiled back and quickly pulled him in, pecking his lips quickly with mine.  As I pulled away, he forced his face back into mine until we were both passionately kissing.  I mumbled into his lips an inaudible noise that let him know my shock.

After we had been kissing for a short time, I pushed him away again and smirked at him, crossing my arms.  "Did you brush your teeth this morning?"

He shook his head, "Who brushes their teeth before eating breakfast?"

"I did, I figured we'd get around to kissing some time this morning.  Didn't know it would happen so fast though."

We shared a laugh as he returned to the stove.  Luckily our kiss hadn't taken long enough to ruin the eggs and bacon.  He scoops the meal onto a big plate, grabbed two smaller plates, and set the table as I grabbed silverware.  We sat down at the kitchen table, across from each other, and both took servings of the food in front of us.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now