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Mini golfing was fun, but Harry and I didn't really spend much time together. He had gotten all amped up once he was handed his club and ball and he and Niall immediately cliqued and started talking golf. I knew Niall was big into his golf game, but I never thought Harry would end up being that weird.

I spent most of the time with Zayn, not really trying to win, but not dragging behind. We were having fun but for some reason I just felt off, and I think Zayn felt the same way. Niall ended up winning, then Harry, and somehow I got in third. Hazza gave me a big hug when the scores were announced. He was so excited, I'm not sure why. To be honest, the whole mini golfing extravaganza felt like a fever dream.

And same with bowling. Harry had won, like he had two years ago on the X-Factor, Liam was second surprisingly, and then my mom. I hadn't really paid much attention during the entire event. I'm a bit mad I spaced out as much as I did because I've basically missed most of our last day together. I'll just have to make it up tonight. Maybe we can all stay up late and play something.

We went to dinner at a really fancy Italian restaurant. Fancy wasn't really our thing, but Anne and my mom loved it. I ordered what I had ordered when Harry and I had gone out, and he ordered what he had ordered too. It brought me back to that day Harry and I had tried to seduce each other. Maybe we could do it again tonight.

No Louis, the boys are here, your MOM is here, HARRY'S mom is here.

But maybe if we do it lowkey enough, no one would notice. And that just adds to the challenge.

I nod to myself. I'll do it. I'll try to seduce Harry. In public. Around your friends. And your moms. Wow Louis, you're insane.

Once our food has arrived, I make the first move of my plan. It's going to be a difficult mission to complete because I can't make sudden or large movements. I'll just have to seduce him using small and out of the blue movements.

I start by putting my foot on top of his. He immediately looks at me which unfortunately catches Niall's attention. Great Styles, we're already going to get busted and I've barely started.

I can tell Harry's trying to get my attention, but I just keep eating away at my pasta. After my foot had been on top of his for a little under a minute, I reposition my knee so that I can maneuver it easier, and run my heel up his leg and into his trousers. I can tell his eyes are staring into me, but I ignore them still. I take a big bite of pasta and almost choke on it from the slight laugh I let out caused by Harry's obliviousness. Poor Hazza, he has no idea what I'm doing.

I turn to him, finally making eye contact with him. I bite my lip and look him up and down. He stares at me, so totally freaked out. I fight the urge to laugh as I continue to give him my best flirty expression. He finally understands what I'm doing and at first he smirks, but then I notice his eyes glancing behind me to whom I can only assume is his mother. His eyes snap right back to me and give me a "Louis! What if they see!?" expression. I shake it off and continue flirting with him, my heel still gliding up his leg. My knee is now pressing against the table meaning I can't slide it any higher. I return it to the ground and press it against Harry's leg. Then with my hand, I place it on his knee. I let it sit there for a moment, returning my face to my pasta and resuming eating it. After I've taken a few bites, I feel Harry's hand on my knee. He's in on the game. Perfect. Time to step up my act.

I slowly drag my hand up his legs, taking a bit of fabric with me. My hand is slowly approaching his upper thigh. I feel his hand doing the same. Suddenly I feel my area start to throb. Shit he's getting to me. I start to think about llamas again. The throbbing goes away. Luckily that worked... for now, but if Harry keeps up his game, I'm going to need a bigger distraction.

My hand is only inches from reaching the bend in his leg and his torso. Instead of bringing it closer to that, I begin sliding it lower in between his two legs. Wow, it only hits me then that I'm fully caressing Harry's inner thigh. That's hot. Just the thought of it brings the throbbing back.

It doesn't help that Harry's hand is copying what mine is doing. Hey that's not fair, he needs to come up with his own moves. I mean mine are powerful because the throbbing is getting worse, but that's because I'm the king of seduction.

I feel Harry squeeze my thigh, sending a small gasp out of my lips. I forced them closed before anyone realized. Well, not everyone, Harry noticed. I glance over at him and he gives me a cocky smile.

Yeah Styles, you kind of turned me on, don't let it go to your head.

I tell him with my expression. I decide to turn up the heat by individualizing each of my fingers. I allow each limb to do what it wants. They draw little shapes all over Harry's leg as they curl in and out. I can tell I'm getting to Harry because the hand he has on my thigh tenses up. I continue with my work, manipulating the fabric on Harry's thigh.

As I take one large grasp, I watch as Harry closes his eyes and lets out a quiet moan. Not quiet enough.

"Harry, you alright?"

Niall noticed.

I immediately slip my hand out of in between his thigh and he does the same. I can't help but portray a slight smirk on my face as I watch Harry stutter excuses to why he just moaned at the dinner table.

I won. Suck it Styles. I mean there's more than one thing you can suck...

I watch Niall glance in between Harry and I, with a suspicion written all over his face.

"Don't look at me Niall! Maybe his pasta's really good." I say, throwing my hands up in the air, pretending to be innocent.

"What did you say Louis?" My mom asks, turning towards me, oblivious to what just happened.

"Nothing, how's your bruschetta?"

"It's wonderful dear, how about your dish?"

I nod and let out an "mmm" noise, expressing my delight for the cooking.

I turn back to Harry and retract my lips in my mouth, giving him a cocky expression.

He cocks his head to the side and squints his eyes in a "okay you won, whatever" manner.

I chuckle at his response and return back to my food. I wonder if he finds any of this weird? I mean, this isn't a really common game played between best friends, it's sort of kinky.



Louis is just so pretty...

that's it, that's all I wanted to say

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now