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Harry and I had decided to go to the nearest roller skating rink to spend the rest of the midday.  We arrived at this cute little arena that had multiple different sections to it.  It was where we had mini-golfed, it also had an arcade, a roller rink, and a restaurant.

We hop out of the car and make our way into the main entrance that holds reception and a place to pay.  We walked up to the desk where a middle aged man with black hair was sitting.

"Hello, we would like to roller skate for one hour." I stated.

"How many people?" He asked without even looking up.

"Two." Harry inputted

He finally looked up and the second he did, his eyes widened.

"No way!  Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles?!"

I looked at Harry.  It was so rare for us to be recognized in this small town that when it did happen, it sort of threw us off.

"That's us." I nod.

"My son's a huge fan of you guys!"

"Really!?  What's his favorite song?" I ask, thrown off even more that his son was a fan.  Our fan base was prominently females so whenever someone spoke of how much their son, brother, or guy best friend was a big fan, it really got us excited.

"Over Again.  He loves your solo, Louis." The nice man says, pointing at me.

"I do too, British showers, what a thought."  Harry mocks.

I snicker at him, "We're so happy to hear that your son likes our music!"

"Can I get a picture for him please?"

"Of course!"  Harry says ecstatically.

The black haired man walks out from behind the desk, and we all crowd together as he snaps a selfie.

"He's going to be so jealous that I met Larry Stylinson today!"

I froze and looked over to Harry who was all tensed up.  Larry Stylinson.

"So you guys want two tickets for the roller rink?"

We nod.  I pull out my card and hand it to the nice man.  I look over to Harry who is obviously upset that I'm paying.

"You paid for jet skiing, let me cover this."

He flashes a cute smile.  He really is the most adorable creature in the world.

The man motions for us to reach out our wrists.  Once we do, he wraps a green band around them and nods saying that we're all set.

"It was nice to meet you guys!"

"Tell your son we say thank you for his support!"  Harry yells as we turns the corner.

As we're walking down the hallway that leads to the rink, I turn to Harry who is looking down at his feet and smiling.

"What are you so giggly about?"

He looked at me, smiled, and then took my hand in his, pulling himself as close to me as he could.

"Larry Stylinson.  I like it."

"We've had that nickname for years." I chuckle, confused by his reaction.

"But now it means something."

I smile and wrap my arm around his shoulders, pulling him even closer and rubbing my hand up and down his arm.

Once we get to the roller rink, we walk over to the stand that was producing the roller skates.  I grab a pair in my size, and Harry grabs a pair in his size, which is sadly almost four sizes bigger than me.  I sigh at how small I am in comparison to him.  He notices my sigh and lets out a slight laugh.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now