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"Where'd you guys go?" Anne asks as we approach her.

"We first went on the ferris wheel," I start

"No way! You got Harry on the ferris wheel," she interrupts me, "You've got some power son." I laugh.

"Then we got some food." Harry continues my original sentence. "Then we went through the corn maze."

"Did you get to the middle of it?" Lottie asks.

"Yeah, and then we went to one of the corners and just sat and talked." Harry answers.

We look at each other. "It was nice." I say and he nods. When I look to my mom, I can see her smiling which makes me smile even harder.

As we leave the carnival and pack into the minivan in the same formation we had been in before, I feel Harry place his hand on top of mine. I look up at him but he's not even paying attention to me, he's just looking out the window like he's not even holding my hand. He's never done this before so I start to overthink and question everything. A bad habit I have. So I decide to not think about it at all.

His hand remained on top of mine for the entire ride home. No one noticed but me luckily. He only moved it once we were in park and he had to open the door. And once he did move it, I felt that emptiness and nakedness once again.

We walked in the house shoulder bumping against shoulder and sat next to each other on the couch as everyone spread out all throughout the house. It was about 5 o'clock so we had like an hour before dinner to just do whatever we wanted to do.

"I could finally teach you how to skateboard!" I say eagerly.

"And where would we find a skateboard?" He says smiling and lifting one of his eyebrows.

"I saw a couple in the garage. They have a bunch of stuff in there, skateboards, bikes, roller blades, scooters. We're definitely going to have to use everything over these next 2 weeks."

He sighs. "Fine, you can try and teach me, but I'm not going to be good at it. I have terrible balance so I'll probably fall."

"Then I'll catch you." I say winking at him. After I've said that, I feel my cheeks light on fire and my heart beat faster. We say such lovey-dovey things to each other. Things you would say if you're dating. Dating Hazza? I could see it happening.

WHAT!? Seriously!? Did you just think that!? He's your best friend! God you're so confused, Louis. You need to step back and think some things out.

Once I snap out of my short little blank out, I stand up and offer my hand to help Harry up. He grabs it and squeezes, sending shivers down my spine. Why is it that every time Harry and I touch, I get a strange feeling pulse through my veins. It's not a bad feeling, not bad at all. It's actually quite addicting. I feel my senses heighten and my Adrenalin kick in. It's a feeling I could get used to. But my question remains, why do I get it?

I keep my hand grasping on his as I lead him out to the garage. I hear him groaning and whining behind me.

"Don't be a baby, it'll be fun. I promise." I say smiling back at him.

"And if it's not fun..."

"If it's not fun, we can do whatever you want to do, and I won't complain."

His face perks up, almost forgetting that he had just been whining with all of his power. "Anything?" He asks. "That almost sounds kinky." He grins that irresistible grin and licks his lips. I feel my bones shiver and my legs get numb. I could fall over right here and now.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now