Ch. 7 On the Run

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      We were currently hiding in an alley as Goku notices we have wanted posters now. He imitates the face on the poster as I just groan upon his action. (M/n) however is laughing along with Trunks. I roll my eyes as I wait for things to die down.
      Soon enough, there appeared to be no guards following us. I gave us the ok as everyone else nods. Since we're still wanted, we cannot find a place to sleep. We need to wait overnight.
      Goku then gets an idea. He says, "Well how about we confront the main guy doing this." I then smack him across the head for such a stupid idea. I then whisper-yell to him, "You moron! That will put us in even more trouble!"
(M/n) interrupts me and says, "Come on Pan. We need to at least figure out what's going on." I just stare at him as he gives me a monotonous stare. I sigh as I nod. Goku then gets excited and jumps up in the air as I watch on.

??? POV

"So Ledgjc have you heard any more news about the fugitives?" I heard Don Kee pandering about as i sit in my chair not saying a word. Don Kee clears the air by saying, "I suppose you haven't...Such a shame. These fugitives must be punished for their crimes. Ruining my wealth!"
I continue to look out at Imecka as Don continues rambling on. I start to get annoyed by Don Kee's words. He catches on to my annoyance and begins to question my level of thinking. He says, "You think you have any right to be mad at me?" I just sit there waiting for him to shut his trap.
He stops himself before I get livid. But I'm not focused on that right now. The focus now shifts to the four fugitives. What kind of power do they hold? I wonder........

Timeskip to night


We sat outside the palace of "Don Kee" ready to take him down. We waited and waited and waited and "When is he coming out?" (M/n) silences me as I just blush in embarrassment. He says while whispering, "We're not waiting for him to come out. We're waiting for an opening!"
I nod my head as Goku scouts it and gives us the signal. We dart into the palace before the guards could see us. I looked around in awe at how eccentric the hallways looked. (M/n) looked like he's seen it before.
Goku then overhears Don Kee talking and busts through the door. I see the pink haired lipstick man sitting in his throne. I only stick my tongue out and say, "Gross.." I hear chuckling next to me as I see (M/n) laughing.
I smile at him before confronting Don Kee. Goku says, "What you're doing to these people is horrible. You're gonna pay for it all!"

"Not so fast."

A blue skinned man appears from behind a pillar and says, "Sorry fugitives. But I cannot allow you to do such heinous acts." Don Kee goes from scared to confidant upon watching 'Ledgic' start a fight. Goku steps up to the plate and challenges Ledgic.

Goku POV

This Ledgic guy seems to have a lot up his sleeve. "Alright let's go!" I charge at him only for him to appear behind me and kick me sending me flying. I just shrug it off and give him a kick to the face. We then throw a flurry of punches at each other before I headhunt him throwing him off balance.
He sold it at first but faked it and gave me a punch to the nose. Despite the size difference, we seemed to be on equal footing. Ledgic sighs before backing up and saying, "Stop holding back! I know you've got more power as do I. So give me your all Saiyan!"
I then oblige as I begin to try to transform into a Super Saiyan. At first, it didn't budge until I heard Pan gasp. "Grandpa?" She says as I start to feel the classic Super Saiyan energy again.
"Ahh back to the tale of old. Alright let's go again!" Ledgic smirks before taking out two swords and readying his stance. We then both charge at each other with blistering speed as I start to land some punches on him while he lands a few slashes not my arms.


During the fight, I noticed Don Kee getting a bit worried so he got out a staff that shot out ki blasts directed at grandpa. But before he could shoot his first, suddenly a ki blast shot near Don. I look to see (M/n) with a furious look on his face as he says, "Do not interrupt this fight otherwise there will be dire consequences!" He shivers as do I and Trunks.
I never knew that (M/n) could be an angry monster within that pure soul......

Goku POV

Some time has past as Ledgic is panting hard as am I. Don Kee gets involved and asks Ledgic to go for more punishment. Ledgic clearly enraged then punches Don Kee away. Don Kee clearly cornered gives up and forfeits his money away. Pan jumps up in excitement as I transform back to base. I-Ow.....I thought I felt something in my in my lower back just now.
It felt like it was impaling me from the inside. Could my ta-No that's impossible. Unless...Well I'll check back on that later. But for now, Don Kee is imprisoned by Ledgic. And I ask Ledgic, "Excuse me, could you help repair our ship?" He nods and gets it fixed up in no time.

(M/n) POV

Trunks starts up the ship as we wave goodbye to the people of Imecka. We then shoot off to continue this Grand Adventure...

Next Chapter-Ch. 8 Gotta find them all...

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