Ch. 42 The Sympathetic Shadow Dragon...

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(M/n) POV

We managed to find the location of the next Shadow Dragon. It was tough to find him as he was found in a desert. The heat was overbearing as I saw sweat on Pan's shirt. She looked tired and almost fell over but I managed to catch her.

(M/n): "Goku this place is scorching hot and the Shadow Dragon hasn't been found yet. What are we going to do?"

Goku: "I don't know......Wait do you hear that?"

(M/n): "Hear what?"

Goku: "I think we found who we're looking for."

He points up to the sky and I look to see the giant sun above us but suddenly something lands on a rail in front of us. The ball of flame calms down to show a dragon with intense red skin that looked like it could anything within a short radius.

???: "So we finally meet. You must be the group who was able to take out the previous four shadow dragons I assume?"

Goku: "Yeah we are. And we're not gonna hold back!"

???: "I would hope so."

Pan and I back up as the Shadow Dragon points to the gargoyle atop a building.

???: "I shoot down that gargoyle. Once it hits the ground, we fight."

He then shoots the gargoyle as he and Goku wait. I didn't wish to interfere as I felt something was different with this shadow dragon. He seemed calm and collected rather than sadistic or sexy. Depending on who you're talking about.

Don't worry Oceanus......I promise to be here for you.

Oceanus POV

I trust you...................(M/n)

Goku POV

      The gargoyle fell and shattered as I fought with the dragon. He seemed to have some intense speed managing to catch up to me at every turn. I liked the way he maneuvered himself but that didn't stop me from catching him taking a spot he did before. I catch him off guard or at least I think I did as I punch him only to feel it burn the second I pull my fist back.


???: "Hmmmm.....I suppose I should thank you for the comment."

Goku: "Well what else do you want me to say?"

???: "I don't know. A joke?"

Goku: "Nah. I don't feel like I can crack both your funny bone and your actual bones."

???: "...............Was that supposed to be funny?"

Goku: "............Hey man is it getting hot out here or is it just you because you are on fire!"

???: "....................*SIGHS*............."

???2 POV

???2: "Hmmmm...It seems like Nuova has gotten himself into a pickle."

???3: "Well what gives you that idea?"

???2: "I don't know I just sense three strong power levels in the same vicinity as Nuova."

???3: "Then it must be who I think it is."

???2: "Indeed. It must be him. Alright I'm gonna go help him out."

???3: "Don't shit the bed on this one Eis."

Eis: "Oh what like I have failed you before!"

???3: "No but I have a feeling that you're going to fail me again! Like when you couldn't rip off people's hands! It's so easy!"

Eis: "Hey calm down. I don't do that I just use my ice powers and break the ice."

???3: "Oh shut the hell up! You're a wimp! You should punish those who deserve it! You need to understand this Eis!"

Eis: " 'They should be punished! They should pay for their Sins!' Shut up Syn! We get it! You wish to punish people! Now I got to go!"

      I fly away from the big fool as he sits there still choking a human out.


"Fool. Doesn't understand my pain. MY sin. MY guilt. Doesn't get it."

      I snap the neck of the man in my hand as I look to see several humans still breathing.

"Not all humans deserve to die.

They just deserve pain.

They deserve Sin."

Next Chapter- Ch. 43 The Sinister Shadow Dragon...

Falling Under Your Spell-Dragon Ball GT X Male Saiyan Reader Where stories live. Discover now