Ch. 40 The Seismic Shadow Dragon...

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(M/n) POV

The next Shadow Dragon we found was currently in soil. He was digging towards something we didn't know what it was. Goku catches up to it and says, "It looks like a giant purple mole!"

(M/n): "A Mole?"

Goku: "Yeah!"

Pan: "Ewww. Why a mole? At least Oceanus was girl in disguise!"

      Pan looks at me with a glare still thinking of the female Shadow Dragon. I rub the back of my head and look the other way while listening to Goku speak.

Pan: "Don't ignore me (M/n)!"

      Pan gives me a look of annoyance as I smile at her. She then ignores me but I am not bothered by it as much. Goku catches up to the Shadow Dragon and stops it from wrecking a city. The Dragon emerges from the rubble to see the damage he did but is surprised to see that nothing changed.

???: "Ayy, What Gives? Ohhhh...You! Uhh....Who are you again?"

      Goku falls over out of shock due to all the other Shadow Dragons knowing of him. The dragon just scratches at his temple while giving us a snarl. The dragon revealed to be Naturon attacks us with blasts fires from the ground as they barely graze us.  We get up close to him and taunt him only for him to blast himself and fall over.

Goku: "That was easier than I thought it would be."

He says this as Naturon morphs into a dragon ball. Pan gets excited and takes the ball but doesn't realize that it faked her out and tries to absorb her. I charger toward her in anger.

(M/n): "NOOOO!!"

I grab her arm at the last possible second as a flash of light emerges to blind me as Goku swoops in to help. We pull at the arm of Pan as she screams to let her out but eventually a strong presence pulls her in as the light fades to show a giant Shadow Dragon with a much more intense look.
I let her down.............The moment sinks into my mind as my tomboy girlfriend just got absorbed by a Mole-like Shadow Dragon. I let her down....

Goku POV

I stood there in disbelief as I just watched my granddaughter get absorbed. I look at (M/n) who looks angry. I feel it boil over. I quietly sigh in defeat as (M/n)'s fury grows.

Goku: *Whispers* "Minerva I'm sorry. I let you down....."

Minerva POV

Minerva: "Goku............I forgive you.............."

Winslow: "Minerva what kind of child have we raised? What kind of child was born of your rage?"

Minerva: "I don't know. But I wish I could tell you."

(M/n) POV

I turn Super Saiyan 4 and charge at Naturon with overwhelming fury.

(M/n): "HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!! NATURON!!!!!"

I give him a hard right to his nose as he falls backwards giving me an advantage to start wailing into him with a series of punches and kicks both of which felt like they were draining me slowly but surely. All of which made me even more angry as I continued to hit the giant Shadow Dragon with everything I had in me.
He seemed to take it like it was nothing making me hit him with even harder punches and kicks. My hands and feet felt like they were going to break into tiny little pieces as I poked Naturon in the eye using my right hand.

Goku: "(M/n)! Stop! You might kill Pan!!"

I stop for a second thinking about the weight of the moment. Naturon absorbed Pan meaning that she's still alive in there.

Pan (Mind): "Grandpa! It's me! I am alive! It's ok for (M/n) to do this!"

Goku (Mind): "But Pan he could kill you!"

Pan (Mind): "Don't worry Grandpa. I trust him. I trust him with my life.

I'm counting on it.

Don't let me down (M/n)......."

Next Chapter- Ch. 41 Don't Let Her Down...

Falling Under Your Spell-Dragon Ball GT X Male Saiyan Reader Where stories live. Discover now