Ch. 16 Friendly Neighborhood Baby...

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(M/n) POV

      Finding all seven dragon balls is boring. I need to take a shower. It felt so warm and relaxing cleaning my body of all the metal and dust. After I finished, I currently looked in the mirror and looked at how dirty my face was, I had to clean it off.
      "Hey (M/n) you almost done in there? I have got to use the-." I stopped what I was doing and saw Pan who looked at me and then looked dow-"Pan don't look please!" It's too late.....She peaked.
      She blushed madly before closing the door without saying a word. I immediately wrap the towel around me and leave the bathroom to talk to Pan.


      I cannot believe I saw.....IT. "Pan! Wait!" I stop what I'm doing to look at (M/n) who was now wearing a towel thankfully but didn't stop me from looking at his four pack. I blush as he says, "Look Pan. I'm sorry I didn't put my towel on. But please knock next time. Also don't tell Goku!"
      I nod before leaving him as I walk towards the dining table to sit down. I can't believe I saw it. His third leg.....and his dragon balls.....

Goku POV

      While we fly around, Giru announces that there is another dragon ball nearby. We head towards the location only to find a ship heading towards the sun. Giru informs us that the dragon ball is on the ship and we have ten minutes to get it before the ship crashes into the sun. I nod before telling the other to suit up.
      We use these flying bikes to move us down towards the ship. Once we get there, we hike towards a giant open door. I knock it down and we see a dragon ball. We take but not before Pan says, "Wait is there something still aboard?"
      Giru confirms that here I life aboard causing Pan to leave in the other direction as (M/n) looks worried. I just grab his shoulder calming him down. We don't want him to go berserk like his mo-"DANGER DANGER!! ONLY FIVE MINUTES UNTIL WE GO CRASHING INTO THE SUN!! Giru Giru."


      I approach a light hallway only to be attacked by missiles shooting at me. I manage to dodge most of them only for Grandpa, Trunks and (M/n). They tell us we only have five minutes rather than ten. I then get angry at Giru but move on and find a young green haired boy.
      Trunks says he still has a heartbeat as I encourage him to help him. He obliges and picks up his body and takes him with us. Giru then informs us that we only have, "TWO MINUTES!! WELL LET'S HURRY ALONG!!!"
We get to our flying bikes and take off towards our ship. However, my ship seemed to be slowing down tremendously. I tried catching up but it wouldn't help. (M/n) saw my struggle and helped me as I grabbed onto his hand. Trunks and Grandpa started to slow down as well.
Giru tried to help by extending his arms towards the ship and started pulling. The problem was that ship started to move towards us. Oh no this is i-"Wait guys. I've got an idea. KamehameHA!!!" He fired a Kamehameha away from the ship and gave us enough momentum to reach the ship.
I immediately got on and started cheering for Grandpa as we got our fourth dragon ball! But that's not the main priority right now. The problem was finding help for the young boy found on the ship. Giru calls for help and gets a signal from a planet called Pital.


      I was currently in the waiting room with the others as I heard that the boy was being examined. (M/n) just calms me down by hugging me as the doctor approaches and gives us a status update of how he is. He said that he was fine but needed to rest I sighed in relief as (M/n) just smiles. A nurse then approaches us and asks to talk with Grandpa.
We look for Grandpa only for Grandpa to hide under the chair talking about how he hates needles. Me, Trunks, and (M/n) laugh at Grandpa's fear as he whimpers while under the chair.

Baby POV

So this life form was able to get me in much closer contact with the Saiyans. Perfect. I float above my chair as the nurse tells me to lay back down. Excellent, let's cause a raucous!

Next Chapter- Ch. 17 Earth's Mightiest Heartthrob...

Yandere GT Fems-4
Everything else-0
Keep em coming! I am very intrigued by this...


Falling Under Your Spell-Dragon Ball GT X Male Saiyan Reader Where stories live. Discover now