Ch. 19 My Beloved (M/n)...

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Goku POV

"Look, (M/n)....." I tried to say to him but he wasn't having it. He says, "So this rage that's building up in me....Was from my mother?" I only say yes as he just stares off at the open space.
"Goku I have a question for you.....What was my mother like? My father?" I hesitate before thinking.


"Minerva, you need to control your anger! It's the only way to protect the earth. Just look at Gohan!" A tall Goku says to the (H/c) haired woman. "Well, I can't! All I do is punch and kick and fire ki! How can I not get angry?"
      "Well, think of something other than fighting that makes you angry." Minerva stopped to think before saying, "I guess Winslow can be a bit naive like you. Except worse in every way." Goku just rubbed the back of his head as he continued listening. "And I have felt this nagging feeling in my back."
      Goku then perked his ears and said, "Oh! You're probably gonna go Super Saiyan!" Minerva just scoffed before saying, "THATS RIDICULOUS!! WHY WOULD I TURN SUPER SAIYAN JUST BECAUSE OF A STUPID TINGLING SENSATION!!!!" Goku just raised his arms up in a defensive position before saying, "Ok!! I'm just Saiyan! No need to get your tail in a knot!"
      Minerva then charged at Goku only for a (H/c) haired man stops her. "Woah Minerva! Is that anyway to let off some steam?" Minerva turned around and hugged the man as the man just did a similar expression to Goku with his hand against his head.
      "Hey Winslow! What's up?" Winslow just shrugs before saying, "Oh you know the sky! What about you?" Goku laughed before saying, "Ahh nothing much. Just training your spouse for the future and she can't seem to contain her anger."
      Winslow sighed before looking at his lover, "You know your anger needs to be contained. I don't want to see that pretty face go off and destroy planets." Minerva just stood there fiddling with her fingers before looking down at her lower half.
      Winslow then noticed this and crouched down and said while poking her belly, "Plus I don't want a little angry Saiyan just like their mother!" Minerva giggled as Winslow stands back up and kisses her.
      He leans back from the kiss and says, "By the way, what was that about me being Naive?" Minerva sighs before saying, "Well, let's just say you forget stuff. A LOT of stuff." Winslow just groans before saying, "What's that supposed to mean?"
      "Well it's obvious that you're naive! I mean remember when you forgot how to do the fusion dance?" "That was in the past! And now I've changed!" "No! You haven't! You skipped over your training with Vegeta!"
      "Are you accusing me of something?" "Well the way I see it, there are 3 possibilities- 1. You're Naive. 2. You're Naive. Or 3. YOU'RE NAIVE!!!!"
Goku sighed and laughed as the Saiyan couple argued about Winslow's naïveté.

End of flashback

      "They were nice....." I say with a smile as (M/n) looks away from me and stares at the stars. I say to him before leaving the room, "I hope you know of the true power you hold now.....(M/n)."

(M/n) POV

      I continue to stare out into the stars as I feel a bizarre rush of adrenaline coming from my tail. I ignore it as Pan comes up to me saying, "I just want you to know, if you were to ever lose control.....I just....." I listen to her as she goes silent until I feel a peck on my left cheek.
      I gasp before turning around to see pan as she finishes her sentence, "That I will try everything in my power to stop you from losing control!"

She leaves not before hearing me say,

"Don't let me down...."

Cut to Earth

Vegeta POV

      I was currently driving a car. Wait why the hell am I driving a car? Can't I fly? Oh wait........Mall junk. Can't carry everything. Anyway, I was driving a car with Bulla as she noticed I shaved my moustache.
      She says, "Well at least you look less like a dork now. You should be like (M/n). Who's really cunning and handsome. And sweet. And....." I scoff as Bulla goes on about him. Before she finishes talking, two stooges drive up next to us and swoon over her.
      I crash into their car causing it to go backwards as they drive this time on my side berating me about how I tried to kill them. I ignore them as I take out the steering wheel and watch their car fall into the water. Heh....fooling youth. Never gets old.


      I drove the car through a power plant only for Gohan to appear in front of us. He charges a Kamehameha at us causing the car to be burnt with Bulla furious. She says, "Ok Gohan what's your problem? You think you can just come on by and-." She was cut off by me as I threw her into the car seating and told her to leave.
      She scoffs before leaving us. I say to 'Gohan', "I know you're not Gohan. Gohan would never do that." He chuckles before saying, "I knew you were clever Vegeta. I am......Baby."

"Ahhhhh, Hello Tuffle Trash."

Next Chapter- Ch. 20 Hit Me Baby One More Time...

Update- The end for the 10k ultimatum will be once we actually hit 10k. So make sure you do it! Thx


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