Ch. 38 The Static Shadow Dragon...

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Goku POV

      When I left the forest, I saw that it went back to greener pastures with life now drinking at the once murky river. I smile at the visual but that was quickly ruined by the lovebirds talking to each other about what kind of techniques they should use. I shake my head a little while smiling as I overhear their cute conversation.
      Giru tells me that the next dragon ball is in the city up ahead. I look at the very large city and land on the clean sidewalk. I look around at the area in front of me and see no people around. (M/n) lands next to me and says, "The Shadow Dragon in this town must've done this." Pan lands next to (M/n) and looks around and says, "Yeah, wait what's that weird goop?" She points to this slime that has electricity emitting from it as it's attached to parts that have power in them such as stoplights, vending machines and fuse boxes.
"Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe. That would be me! The great Rage Shenron!" We all look around to find where that voice came from. "Hey! Down Here!" We look down to see a tubby looking Dragon with red going along his back. "You don't look all that tough." I said to the little guy as he just smirked before unleashing his electric slime as he called it onto us.
It latched onto us as it electrocuted us and let it attach to himself. The slime made him grow in size. He grew up to be bigger and taller than the buildings around him. He laughs as he is in his round belly. He starts to attack us with Lightning and his Dragon Thunder Clap as he calls it.
It manages to throw me, (M/n), and Pan through some glass windows of some nearby buildings. I immediately transform into Super Saiyan 4 as (M/n) resurfaces and turns Super Saiyan 1. Pan sighs before going Super Saiyan 1 as well. Rage Shenron says, "Ahh how very interesting. Three Saiyans collide with that of an Electric Shadow Dragon, how brilliant."
(M/n) decides to fire a kamehameha at Rage. This sends Rage backwards but he stops in his place and bounces it back at us. Causing (M/n) to lunge at Pan as I try to block it. We end up getting hurt badly by it.
"Ha! You Morons! Did you really think that would be it? NOPE!!!" I get rid of the rubble in my way and look at the Shadow Dragon in anger. I look over to see a very enraged (M/n), I want to stop him but Pan does it before I could. "Don't you dare! I won't let you lose control!"
(M/n) smiles at her before saying, "Thanks Pan." I smirk but we were unfortunately interrupted by Rage Shenron. He kept growing in size causing us to be ensnared in his slime but thankfully it rained. "WHAT??? SERIOUSLY??? NOOO!!!"
He began to shrink in size and being turned into the same short stack he was when we first met. "Alright I give up.....The Dragon Ball is yours." Pan took the Dragon Ball as the cracks faded and turned back into a regular Dragon Ball.
(M/n) says, "5 more to go. Hey Giru where is the next Dragon Ball?" "Giru Giru Dragon Ball is on island south of here and appears to be a very strong power level! Giru Giru." "Alright well I'm ready for the challenge!"

??? POV

Haze and Rage are gone already? Hmph...Humanity shouldn't have to withstand this much....They have to suffer! They have to atone for their Sins!

Next Chapter- Ch. 39 The Sexy Shadow Dragon...

Update- I mainly skimmed by these chapters to get to you know who~ Hope you're ready.


Falling Under Your Spell-Dragon Ball GT X Male Saiyan Reader Where stories live. Discover now