Ch. 17 Earth's Mightiest Heartthrob...

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As we talked to the doctor and nurse, all of a sudden, an explosion went off. The doctor ran over and said that it blew up in the room with the kid in it. This caused me to run over and look at the damages. All I saw was a burning room with no one inside.
      I worry as I look to see Trunks and (M/n) standing there but no Grandpa. I sigh as Grandpa refuses to leave his position under the chair. We eventually get him off of it as he runs outside. We chase him out there and up a tree.
      I argue with grandpa while Trunks goes fishing with Giru while (M/n) watches me.

Baby POV

      Alright, now they're outside. Just need to get them separated and then they're all mine to play with......


      I decided to leave Grandpa be as I found a deer and started to pet it. I immediately felt uncomfortable as it wanted my breast milk. Then the boy we saved appeared and said, "It must think your it's mother." I chat with him and ask him if he's ok.
      He says he's doing fine as I just move on and look at the plants.

Baby POV

      Finally, all alone. You will be my first Saiyan Victi- "Hey Pan! I'm finally down from the tree! Hey wait you're the boy from the ship!" Dammit.

Goku POV

      I saw Pan and the boy from the ship talking for some reason my body just felt uncomfortable when around him. But that didn't last long since the boy was taken back to his room by the doctor who put him in a wheelchair and rode him back.

Baby POV

      Stupid doctor......Wait......I got it. I then absorb the doctor and possess his body. Ahh yes perfect.

Goku POV

      I still hate needles but man is THE FOOD GOOD! I chow down as the others look at me with confusion as I ask for more. They oblige as I continue chowing down. Suddenly, Trunks was taken away by one of the doctors as I whispered to the others, "Hey something seems off with the doctor. Let's go."

Trunks POV

      The doctor showed me a set of organisms as I looked at them in amazement. I didn't realize that the doctor had gotten awfully close to me. Before I knew it, I was being attacked by the doctor.
      Thankfully, Goku and the others came in to save me. Baby then emerged from the body his slimy but metallic form still remains intact. He gets angry and starts to shoot ki at us. One manages to scratch my shoulder which causes baby pounce at it like a bloodhound.
      I try to fight his control but it's not in vain. I slowly lose control....

Baby POV

      Wow.....Saiyan Power is excellent.

Goku POV

      Trunks has now been possessed. I just watch on as I just stand there doing nothing as the evil grin of Trunks begins to fire ki at me as I take it like a man. Or at least a kid. Trunks then charges up a big blast as (M/n) gets in front of me to protect me.
       But at the last possible second, he fires it in the other direction...What happened?

Trunks POV

      Get....Out....OF........MY........... "BODY!!!!!!" I scream a righteous roar as I go Super Saiyan. I feel baby leave my body as he falls to the ground.

Baby POV

      Ahh...What the Hell?


      "Stupid baby!" I kick him causing him to hit the ceiling and land on the floor again. He gets worried as he looks outnumbered again.

Baby POV

      "It's over Baby." I heard as bunch of ki blasts were charged at me. I then said, "Not this time!" I conjured a beam of light that blinded all that saw it and scurried towards an exit.
      Once I escape, I find an airport and possess a woman and escape onto a plane. SO LONG SUCKERS!!!!

Goku POV

      AHHHHH DAMN! We almost had him! Well at least he won't be bothering anyone...For now at least.

Cut to Earth

Goten POV

      "Yeah I know Valese! Just let me get ready!" I say as I stand up off the couch and leave the room not before giving mom a hug. I walk down the hall as Vegeta says, "Hey Goten. Notice anything?" I then look at his image and say, "You changed your hair back?" He then shakes his head and says, "No! Not just that!"
      I continue to look at him before saying, "I don't know what you're talking about Vegeta but I gotta go cause I got a date." I scurry out of there as Vegeta stands there looking ticked.

Vegeta POV

      Seriously? I shaved my moustache and changed my hair back to normal only for nobody to notice? Well I hope Bulla will notice. 
      "That moustache makes you look like a total dork dad!" I groan as Bulma laughs at me shaving it off. Dammit!

Goten POV

      I gave Valese some ice cream as she hesitated to eat it. I told her to use her mouth. She obliged and began to lick it ever so slowly as I watched on with a stupid grin on my face. She talked about how her other boyfriends wouldn't do this. And how I was the first one.
      Huh...Weird. Before our date could go on any further, an explosion went off. I ran over there as Valese followed directly behind me.

Hercule POV

      Wow.....This guy's strong. I wonder who could help with th- "GOTEN!!" I shouted as he looked confused. I then said, "ALRIGHT EVERYBODY THIS IS MY APPRENTICE GOTEN!! Go get em Goten!" I whispered the last part as he said, "You're not my mentor!" I then shook it off as the townsfolk look at me confused.
I then push Goten forward as he takes on the giant of a man. He outclasses him and a few other guys and throws one into a store window. "YEAH! THATS THE POWER OF MY APPRENTICE!"

Goten POV

I sigh as Mr. Satan continues to lie about me but I ignore it for now. I then speak to Valese who compliments me for my strength and say it's nothing. I go to leave but I feel an unnerving feeling behind me.
I then say, "Alright show yourself." I turn around to see a man who grins as a blinding green light flashes our eyes. I stand there holding Valese by the waist as a blue skinned figure appears and says,

Baby POV


Next Chapter- Ch. 18 Sons of the Naïveté...

Update- Yandere-4
Everything Else-0
You guys still have time...So make it count!
Btw I'm adding Valese to the Harem.


Falling Under Your Spell-Dragon Ball GT X Male Saiyan Reader Where stories live. Discover now