Ch. 39 The Sexy Shadow Dragon...

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(M/n) POV

The island we arrived at looked to have several people so happy and talking about this 'Princess Oto' chick who they say is a blessing for bringing them all this fish from the air. I think about this just as a squid falls onto Pan's face.
She screams as I say, "Babe? Are you ok babe?" "NO I AM NOT A SQUID JUST HIT MY FACE AND A TENTACLE JUST CARESSED MY CHEEK!!" "Oh I'm so sorry I couldn't help out earlier I-." I was cut off by more fish hitting us from the air as Pan screams again and I try to calm her down. Goku says, "Wow! I have never seen this much fish before!"
I sigh as Pan hugs my head with her chest against the side of my cheek. I pry the scared Pan off me just as a blonde man with an accent talks about how great Princess Oto is and was then interrupted by a boy who is revealed to be his son. The boy talks about how she has hurt or potentially killed the seagulls.
The father has none of it and leaves just as the boy sits up in the boat with a sad seagull in his hands.


We talk with the boy about Princess Oto and shows us that the boat is filled with Seagulls and how they're scared to go out to the ocean. I look to see Goku chowing down on some fish before giving Giru the frying pan he used to cook the fish. I smile as Pan notices a presence approaching the island just as more fish fly onto the deck.
The people get excited and go down to get some but they get knocked back as we catch them. The people get scared and leave just I prepare to fight Princess Oto. Goku readies himself as he remembers of what Rage's wish was. When Goku was brought back to fight Nappa and Vegeta.
I think of what kind of wish this Shadow Dragon would be born of. Pan just stands next to me as I nod to her as she nods back. We all leave the boy and head to the docks. The Shadow Dragon is revealed to be a woman with purple hair and blue skin.
Pan elbows me saying, "Don't get any funny ideas, Babe." "Trust me I won't." The blue skinned woman in a purple dress appears before us saying, "So have you come to face me? Fine then I will not hold back."
Goku asks what wish she was born from and the Shadow Dragon's face turns red as she talks about the stupid pig and underwear. Goku starts laughing as Pan's face turns red as well. I raise an eyebrow at the whole affair as the Shadow Dragon revealed to be Oceanus started to shoot balls of air at us.
We managed to avoid them with ease as I accidentally bumped into Oceanus who appeared to have a force field surrounding her aura. She laughs at us as we sit in the water trying to think of a plan. I then decide to try to attack her using some ki blasts from the sides and from behind.
Pan trusts my decision as Goku wants to try to distract her. He starts messing with her as I go behind her and start firing some blasts towards her back and sides. She managed to intercept these and toss them back at me. She then uses a move where she spins around and releases these waves of energy I try to dodge them but it seemed that time slowed down as she got faster causing me and Goku to be hit by this attack.
I was sent over Oceanus and back onto the beach along with Goku and Pan. I look at Oceanus in anger as her face turns red again and Goku laughs. I say, "What is it?" Oceanus says, "Oh dear lord....It's huge!" Pan comes by with a red face and says, "Babe, you're without clothes....." "Yeah so what?" "SO WHAT? I AM NOT GONNA ALLOW THIS WOMAN TO SEE MY BOYFRIEND'S PRIVATES!!! ALRIGHT ITS ON NOW!!!!!"
I look down in embarrassment as Pan starts fighting Oceanus. Goku hands me my clothes as I put them on. Pan goes Super Saiyan during this scuffle as I just look on seeing two girls fight. Huh. That's something that I have not seen before and can never be replicated.. 'Don't get used to it.' Goku spoke to me telepathically as I just rub the back of my head thinking of Bulla.
She would probably faint with a smile on her face speaking of Bulla where is she?

Bulla POV

"Come on Dad! Can we not do this Super Saiyan 4 stuff right now?" "No Bulla! I have to become stronger than Kakarot! Bulma fire up that machine again!"
Mother fires up the machine again as I leave the room. But before I leave, I ask mother, "Hey mom. Is it ok if I help (M/n) and the others." "Ok. I'll let you. But please be careful sweetie." "Thank you!"
I bolt down the hallway and head downstairs to help out my boyfriend. I hope he's ok......

(M/n) POV

The fight between Pan and Oceanus slowed down as they Bro stopped and landed on the beach. This time I couldn't help but admire the beauty of Oceanus. She caught me staring and blushed lightly as I felt Pan the back of my hair and whispers in my ear saying, "You already have two girlfriends do you really want a third?"
I thought about it for a few seconds before saying, "You know what? Sure." She let's go of me as I admit to Oceanus that she is beautiful. She says to me, "What? Do you think I am nothing but some kind of Eye Candy?" "No that's not what I meant!" "Oh so that's how it is huh? Well I'll show you beauty!"
She morphs her body into that of a dragon with darker blue skin, red eyes, and wings. I admit in my head that she still looks good. Her voice becomes more distorted as she says, "Don't you see?!? I'm nothing but a freak on the inside! That first shell is nothing but a mirage! A fake! No one could ever love me like this!"
"That's not true! I still admire you!" Oceanus looks at me surprised as I say, "I admire you for your strength and speed! In fact, you might be able to topple Super Saiyan 4 if we were to fight again! I respect you for your fighting ability not just for your looks!"
"Do you really think that?" "I swear it on my mother's grave."

??? POV

"YOU BETTER BOY OTHERWISE I'M GONNA COME DOWN THERE AND-." "MINERVA WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU?!?" "Oh Winslow! I didn't see you there! I was just watching our Son become a ladies man. Go get em Son!" "Yeah sure that's what you said. OOF!" I cut him off by elbowing him in the stomach.
"You say that like I lied to you! Hmph. Anyway, go get em Son!" "I wonder if I could pick up more chicks....OOF!" I elbow him again as he says, "Kidding! Only Kidding!"

"You better...."

(M/n) POV

Oceanus reverts back to her normal form and says, "I hope you're truthful." "If I wasn't, I would admit it to you." "Thank you. You may take the Dragon Ball now. But before you do, can I give you something Saiyan?" "Sure what is it that you-MMPH!" I was cut off by a kiss on the lips from Oceanus. "Thank you for your honesty Saiyan. I hope we meet again."
I clash heads with her before giving her a kiss of my own saying, "I promise that I will come back for you." "I look forward to it. Till then. My love." I then take the 6th star Dragon Ball as the cracks fade and turns back to normal.
Pan and Goku look at me in shock as I say, "What?" Pan just says, "Make sure not to overproduce. Cause there has got to be some left for me." "Huh?" "Oh nothing! Let's just go find another Shadow Dragon!"

"Yeah, let's do it guys! The Earth is in need of help and we can do this together!"


??? POV

Oceanus is gone? Intriguing...But that doesn't matter now. What matters is this city right before me filled with people waiting to be atoned of their Sins!

Next Chapter- Ch. 40 The Seismic Shadow Dragon...

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