Ch. 45 The Synful Shadow Dragon...

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Goku POV

      I lay there in shock seeing the event unfold before my eyes as I look to see that evil presence standing above us all.

???: "Hello Goku."

Goku: "You. How dare you for interrupting our battle!"

???: "Like I give a shit what you two have to do in battle. I saved you of boredom and frustration. You should thank me!"

Goku: "Like that'll ever happen!"

???: "Fine. But I only gave you a chance to take it. And what do you do? Waste it!"

Goku: "Who do you think you are?"

Syn: "Me? Well, let's just say that my name is Syn."

Goku: "Syn huh? Guess you must be the last one I have to take down."

Syn: "Gee I wonder where you got that from."

Goku: "Uhhhh, from all the times me and my friends faced off against them?"

Syn: "Sarcasm."

Goku: "I knew that."

Syn: "No you didn't."

Goku: ".........."

Syn: "Alright I'm tired of waiting. Let's fight."

Goku: "Took the words out of my mouth."

(M/n) POV

      I want to help out Goku in the fight but Pan stops me before I could get in Goku's way.

Pan: "Grandpa doesn't need your help right now. Let him handle this. We'll get involved when he needs us to."

      I nod gently to her as I sit down on pieces of broken debris.

(M/n): "Hey Pan. Mind if I ask you a question and you don't have to answer it if you don't want to."

Pan: "Sure. Shoot."

(M/n): "What do you think will happen when we bring the dragon balls back together?"

Pan: "I don't know. But I hope that everything can be brought back to normal!"

(M/n): "I hope so too. But I just feel like something is off. It can't just go back to normal. There has got to be some sort of restriction."

Pan: "I see what you mean. But I'm not worried about that now. What I'm worried about is defeating this last shadow dragon."

(M/n): "Yeah."

Vegeta POV

Vegeta: "Damnit! I can't sit on the sidelines forever!"

Bulma: "Come on dear. You should stop worrying too much. Goku's probably got this under control."

Goku POV

Syn: "Get back here you little shit!"

Goku: "OWWW!!!"

Pan: "I think grandpa needs some help."

(M/n): "You think?"

Vegeta POV

Vegeta: "Seriously? You know this is Kakarot we are talking about."

Bulma: "I know. But hey I did manage to make this machine for you."

Vegeta: "What machine?"

Bulma: "I don't know. Maybe a machine that could help you go Super Saiyan 4."

Vegeta: "..............WELL GET ON WITH IT WOMAN!!"


I try to get involved in the fight between Syn and Grandpa but I get smacked away by Syn.

Falling Under Your Spell-Dragon Ball GT X Male Saiyan Reader Where stories live. Discover now