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After I had gotten the news I was pretty calm I guess because Alex is my brother.  He is very smart and wise so I don't expect him to do anything stupid. But but then again I don't know who has him. I dont think I have anything against anyone.. Who am I kidding I have something against everyone but dang who would take Alex? He is my only family the other thing that I love so I must have made someone very mad

for them to basically ask for death by taking him because when I find out who took him.  I. Will. TORTURE.them.

Me and a couple members from my gang went to the club we tried to find every clue and every hint we could to recto find him. "boss you should come look at this" I ended up an an ally. With some pure bullshit crap on the walls with a note.  On the walls it was lip stains on them with lipstick on the ground with a note under it.  I picked up the note and read it.

Roses are red violets are blue looks like I found someone in your crew.
This is for you black diamond crew.  I hope you guys truly did enjoy your time with little ole  Alex he's just adorable..but that's too bad he has to be a goner :( well he says bye and I'm sure he loves you guys.
Your lover,
Little red riding hood

Little red riding hood huh?  I've heard much about whatever it is but it can't be that much of a competition right.  They sound like a bunch of girls.

On our way home we started thinking of plans finally I had the perfect one.


Me & mia are currently playing with Kailynn after our little question session I guess it had gone all right


Me and mia put on our costumes her wig was purple mine was blonde.

We stared at Alex until he woke up.
"where the fuck am I?"
"woah there mister calm down" I said " I need you to tell me a couple things okay?  But you have to cooperate with me or my friend here ( I pointed at mia)  will have to punish you alittle"
"I'm not answering shit"
" tell me Alex have you ever been in this position? "
He didn't say anything
"I take your silence as a no. Well Alex  you are going to know what it feels like to do the things you do to people today since you don't wanna talk right? "
I laughed alittle. Then I brought out my tools. I git it for Christmas it's pretty bomb it like a kit-" FINE ILL TALK" Alex boomed
"okay boy  dang didn't have to yell like that chill"  Boy  almost broke my ear drum or something better calm his self down.
Mia came up  "what's your last name Alex?"
" McCann" he answered  with a smirk
Mia  nudged her head to side wanting me to talk to her
"okay so that's Jasons brother we can't kill him then because that would just be bad not saying we couldn't fight him and his little dogs but that's blood  you can't kill the only thing he has left" mia said I nodded "and you know he kinda fine to shoo" she said "RIGHT"  I agreed and we laughed ooohq our jokes at serious moments
Anyways we started walking back towards him "my gang will find me " he said "and we are looking forward To it" his smirk disappeared and appeared on my face. I grabbed a knife and cut a small little cut through his shirt "you know for America's most wanted you don't seem scary" he said " oh I mean do you want to be scared Alex? Because I can assure you I will make you shit your self" mia said "ooh  kinky I like it" Alex said mia started walking forward and took my knife MY knife couldn't she go get her own like really. " ooh Alex McCann" mia said "ooh  little red riding hood" he said back she laughed with no humored and cut his stomach it wasn't that deep but enough to make a scar and to make him gasp from The sudden action.  " I will see blood everytime a smart comment comes from your mouth. It's up to you how much you get.  And let's not forget how deep each one goes aswell" she said with a smile " he smiled back " you would never dare" "um yeah I actually would why do you think I'm most wanted and your not? " "idiot" I heard her mumble under her breath "stupid" he then said that's when Mia  cut him again on the arm but a tad bit deeper and longer "keep trying me McCann " she whispered in his ear he smiled " you have nice lips I know what you can d -" his words were cut short with yet another slice. Aw  poor dude everyone knows not to test us especially her.
Anyways about another half hour of interrogating we got information about more gangs and stuff and we went upstairs leaving Alex in a cage locked up... The cage is electric I know he know how to unlock things so therefore if he touched it he would get shocked with a VERY high voltage..it was mia not me who put it that high. Before we left we blew him a kiss he smirked " hey purple. I got you" he winked  we just  laughing while going up stairs.

Flashback ova

Yup, told you it was eventful.
We are playing hide and go seek with Kailynn now it's fun because Mia  literally slipped on the floor it was funny as shit Man. Mia  is now currently it and I'm hiding under the kitchen sink and Kai  is behind the royal blue curtain "ready or not here I come " mia screamed she looked around for about five minutes before I heard a scream with a giggle afterwards " I gotcha baby" mia said " now we gotta go to find kelsie" yeah cause they are gonna find the master at this game yeah ri- " ahhh" I screamed not expecting to get found " dude  you scared the poop outta  me " watching my language since kai is right there.
They started laughing hysterically " yeah laugh cause it's so funny" the started laughing more "I'm going to bed forget you guys" I said with a smile before I went up the crazy amount of stairs we had I gave Kai  a hug and a kiss goodnight and hugged Mia " hey don't I get a kiss " mia  said " shut up " I said a ran up stairs to my room " I love you guys" " I love you to" they both yelled I got in bed as soon as the light turned off. 

" I know your sleepy Kai" " no I'm not" " yeah you are" " no" " yes" " no" "yes" " finee " I smiled at my little Kai Boo she is just too cute.
" alright let's go " I carried her up stairs and said goodnight and kissed her head and cheeks
I walked back down stairs and it was 1:45 am. dang it is late and I'm not tired.
I suddenly remembered Alex and how he is human and how he gets hungry and thirsty.. Oops.
I grabbed a bottle of water a fruit snack and yogurt and went to the basement. Putting my black mask on.
I saw him in the basement just laying there.
"are you hungry?" I asked and he looked at me with a sudden smile or something... Uhhh  what he smiling at tho
" sure" he said and I handed him the food I was making my way back upstairs when he suddenly said " thanks purple " even though I didn't have the wig on. I stopped and faced him. " your welcome McCann " he smirked and I started walking back upstairs " nice ass dude " he screamed  I smirked.  Then I smacked it and held up my middle finger. I didn't have to turn around to know he was smirking.

Peace Offering// Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now