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I was still in the hospital but everyone had left.  It was only me and Alex.  I was laying down and he was right beside me. "I love you Alex" I said breaking the silence "I really do" he stared at me then smirked "I knew you'd love me eventually" I hit him "okay I'm sorry.  But I love you to baby alot. " I smiled and leaned back into him "how are you feeling?" he asked me "I don't know.  Tired " I said "how are you?" I asked him "better" he said. I smiled "so about that date" he said "will you go on a date with me" I smiled "well I don't know.  With my condition and all. " I laughed "well I'm taking you anyways and your gonna have the best day of your life. " then he kissed me "when? " I asked "when your better so maybe next week" he said "but im better now" "no you aren't" he said "so, we can still do it please" " nope. I'm going to sleep" I sighed "Alex I'm sorry" he opened his eyes and looked at me "about what" "your sleepless nights and you being sad. " I said "baby. It's fine. Your here now and I can get all the sleep I want and I'm more than happy now" he said he climbed over me and kissed me "Now go to sleep" he said then climb off and went to sleep but I stayed awake I'm not sleepy. So I took his phone and started playing games and I took pictures.

Morning came around a doctor came in my room "hello" he said " hi, good morning" I said "you didn't sleep at all last night did you?" he asked "not at all" I said "well you can be released today but you Have to take these pills.  Absolutely have to" he said "one is a pain pill,one is to help you sleep,and one is a healing one" he said "also stay off your feet for a couple days then come again so we can take the stitches out" he finished "okay thanks" I said then he left. I sighed and stood up "did you not just here the doctor when he said stay off your feet?" Alex asked with his eyes still closed  "shut up and go back to sleep" I told him laughing "I'll be fine" I said but with every step I took the more it hurt eventually I made it to the bathroom and changed I walked out and put on my slides "Cmon babe I promise my bed is more comfortable and you can sleep longer" he got up Got his stuff on and carried me to the car. We drove to my house and he carried my to my room and he fell right back asleep. I was awake though just thinking about...everything. my whole entire life what could it have been like when I was born. What did I do to my parents for them to beat me? What did I ever do wrong?  Am I good person?  I couple of tears streamed down my face thinking about everything. All my scars.  The ones that are still there.  My faded ones,  on the memory of them. It has been a hole in my chest for the longest of time and then I found Alex. I looked over at Alex and smiled tracing his lips and tattoos and scars.  I let a couple more tears come down before I was full out crying careful not to wake him up.  I got out of bed and went to the piano room but got my little Bambi first (her pig she got on Christmas) I sat in the floor and started playing with him. Watching him run Around and slipping.  I laughed clumsy just like mama. I picked Bambi up and set him on the piano "what should I play Bambi? " I asked him.  "xo?" I said then nodded (xo-Beyonce it's a bomb song)  I played the first couple cords and remembered when me and kelsie would play songs and sing them together. I started singing the song. I finished with a smile feeling better "I didn't know you could sing or play" Alex said I smiled "your beautiful" he said I looked away from him with a smile and played a couple random cords "your amazing" I told him "are you still sleepy? " I asked "not at all" somehow we ended up on the floor with him on top of me "tomorrow will be our date I'm getting you at 7" he said "what happened to next week?" I asked "I couldn't wait any longer" I smiled and we were about to kiss but Bambi jumped on his back "damn pig.. Cock blocker" he said I laughed "hey dont swear at my pig" I hit him "your cock blocking pig you mean" "you weren't gonna get any anyways" I said laughing he leaned down into my ear "you sure about that? " he said kissing me neck and going lower to by cleavage. I smiled "very sure"

Peace Offering// Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now