• YO how did I just make that dot?!

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Today marks the day before kelsie's birthday. I sighed tired and stressed. I got out of my bed and got in the shower for a good hour. Kelsie is currently spending her "birthday week" with Jason. She thinks they are going on a date or something tomorrow but that's not at all the case.  I got out of the shower and put of ripped skinny jeans and white tank top and a red flannel with my white,  red, and blue converse. I left my hair down in its curls put on my glasses and went to Kailynns room.  "hey baby" I greeted her kissing her forehead "hi" she said all snuggled up in her blankets "we gotta go to the store and get some stuff as soon as we come back we can play and I'll feed you then you gotta take your nap" she nodded and I picked her up she was in her pink onsie so I just left her in that. I grabbed my keys and left.

I'm back at home now after about 3 hours of playing with Kailynn, I am cooking lots of food.  And even trying some newer things. Such as California rolls. I was still cooking when the doorbell rang. It was Asia, Taylor, Erin, Kaitlin, Leah, Arabella,  Dani, Daniel, hunter, and Emelia. They were all staying over so they could help me with my life tomorrow. I opened the door and hugged everyone. All the kids went upstairs for there naps and now it was just me and my girls "y'all I'm so tired" I said groaning laying my head on Asia's shoulder "get off me" Asia said pushing my head but I repeatedly banging head against her shoulder saying boing I stopped and started laughing so hard "HAAHA IM TOO TIRED FOR THIS" I said getting up and going upstairs "true" we all went upstairs and everyone went into a guest room. I went in my room and jumped on my bed finally sitting down and going to sleep. But got up having to ask the girls a question "okay so we gotta make sure we have EVERYTHING, does anyone need something so we can get it now? " I said "nah" Asia said " party starts at five, so what time should we be up? " I asked "like 8?" Kaitlin said "okay" I said I went back in my room with Kailynn since she wanted to stay with me I tucked her in my bed and went in my bathroom I braided my hair and then put on pajamas and brushed my teeth etc.  The whole shabang. I walked back into my room and got in my bed falling asleep..forreal this time.


We were all literally running around everywhere, doing decorations, setting the food,  putting up tables and table cloths along with silver ware and table decors and blowing up balloons and crap it was all so stressful I was getting so irritated

"I swear to god if you don't bring the fucking cake I'm going to blow up your fucking kitchen buisness crap thing!" I yelled at the man on the phone "I will try to miss. " the man said scared "

I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone now stressing about the cake. It better be here.  Or I'm killing someone. I sighed again it's 2 right now and everyone still has to get dressed and do their hair  "okay guys you all need to shower and stuff now I'll check over the stuff" I told them with a smile. They all left  and I immediately stopped smiling. And looked around. The party would be outside since its a beautiful day I fixed up a couple of things and It was close to perfect.  I hope she likes it.  I walked back into the house needing to get Kai dressed. "bath time!" I yelled walking into her room "yay! " she cheered I grabbed her hand and walked her to her bath room. Running warm water, she got in and I bathed her.  I dressed her in a little cute dress (dress above one on the bottom)  with some cute white sandels. I then curled her hair and put it in a side ponytail then put her earrings in.  Aww my little baby "Kailynn please do not get dirty and if you take off your shoes you do it in the house no walking outside barefoot okay?" I said "okay" she said back "I gotta go get ready now" I told her taking her hand and grabbing a couple toys we walked to my room "do whatever you want just don't leave" she nodded I got in the shower for a minute doing what I had to do. I got out putting on a robe I did my makeup then did my hair. Flat ironing it. Then I went to put on my dress. "you like it?" I asked kailynn "yeah! " she said clapping her hands I smiled and picked her up and we started making our way downstairs "you guys look beautiful" I told all of them. Asia was wearing a black and white Aztec strapless dress, Kaitlin was wearing a white lace dress, Bella (Arabella) wearing a cute dress with white flowers on the top and pink at the bottom (dress on top).  Then I hugged them "same to you girl" Asia said. I was wearing a white dress that's really high on the sides showing alot of thigh and lower in the front in back.

People were now starting to show up but I told them don't touch anything yet until kelsie for here. Soon it was Finally around 6 and kelsie should be on her way since Just about everyone is here except kelsie, alex,  Jason, Jake,  and dj. Taking there precious time like nobody here is hungry. 

Around 30 minutes later we all finally got the call.  "Kay go hide" I yelled everyone went running and I just hide on the side of the door I heard the giggles and the patio door opening "okay now open them" Jason whispered I'm pretty sure she opened her eyes so I turned on the light and we all popped out "SURPRISE!" we yelled. Kelsie gasped

"beautiful" she whispered

Peace Offering// Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now