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When we got home I remembered we didn't tell Kai what was happening so we put in our costumes hiding what we looked.  It was painful as shit since I wasn't on adrenaline anymore I was trying to walk as straight as I could "you good mia?" kelsie asked "Im fine" I said back.  When we walked in Kaitlin hugged us before running out and saying she needs to see Luke. Kai ran up to me and I hugged her feeling like I was about to faint.  I let go and ran upstairs. I closed my door and took off my clothes staying in my bra I walked in my bathroom and looked at myself.  I looked horrible. Three slashes on my back from the whip and one on my side almost by my tattoo thankfully not covering it and I had a cut on my collar bone that would leave a scar and some on my face but those should be fine. "KELSIE!" I yelled she came in my room and into my bathroom  "Ew man" she said "YO what do I put on this" I asked her "I dont know.  You should go to the hospital " she said "I can't. They would ask to many questions " we sat in silence thinking "HEY DOESN'T Jason HAVE A GANG DOCTOR? " kelsie said "YEAH! " I said. Then we called him  he came and walked up stairs "woah what happened to you guys " he said "nothing really I just need to know What to do with this also she has a bullet in her shoulder so yeah" I said "well I'll get the bullet out first then work on you" he said so after a long time he finished with kelsie taking out her bullet and gave her stitches there and on her shoulder he got to me " you are gonna need stitches also in your side but the ones on your back aren't terribly deep" so now I was laying on my side in so much pain I was literally falling in and out of consciousness I ended up getting 58 stitches on my side. After that he put some cream on my back saying it'll help the healing while he was doing that his phone rang I kinda heard  it I could tell it was Jason "yes boss" " WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Jason yelled at the poor man "I'm treating a patient sir" he said I scoffed he shouldn't be called sir "did I tell you to leave your office people come to you not the other way around fuck tard " I gasp and took the phone away from him "look  idiot don't go yelling at this poor old man for helping us. You don't even know the story so shut up" I yelled at him It was quite on the other line "where is kelsie is she okay?" "shut up jason" I said "look Mia I just want to know" "look Jason I'm not telling you" "fine I'm coming over with alex" then I hung  up "are you okay I asked the doctor he smiled "I'm very happy actually. no one stood up to that man. I'm glad it was you" he said "but hey I didn't know I was old " we both laughed. I Texted kelsie telling her to turn on the security. It was already on though. The doctor who I learned name was John and I talked. He finished his job "Mia  you HAVE to stay on bed rest for a couple weeks I will come by next week and take the stitches out." he said slowly "hey you didn't have to say it slow "mia you and I both know I had to say it slow to get it through your stubborn skull" "yeah yeah yeah whatever " I said then he left and I laid in my bed on my side obviously the one that wasn't hurt and watched TV. Kelsie and Kai  were in here to. Then someone was at the door and I smiled knowing it was Alex and Jason. Even if we liked Jason we still couldn't let him in until ATLEAST kelsie's wounds looked better. They cant see me yet. I called Alex "hey you guys might as well leave" I said "but why?what happened " "I dont Wanna lie to you so instead I'm just gonna say I can't tell you right now. I will though just give us time" I paused "please" I finished he sighed and eventually gave in and left. Now I was in my room with Kai still without a shirt on because they had to "breathe" kai looked at me "what happened mia?" she asked .  I smiled alittle "an evil dude came and he used his super powers on me " I told her "ohhh  did you use yours? "she asked suddenly excited "well of course I did " I told her then she touch one I tried so hard not to let a whimper of pain out but I failed she stopped "I'm sorry" she said sadly "oh it's okay baby I'm fine" I told her with a smile trying  to hide the burning pain going through my body.  Later on we both fell asleep that's when I noticed I blood  I sighed and called John "what do I do when I have to shower " I asked "well I wouldn't say you should shower yet wait about a week or so because your wounds are very crucial you could hurt yourself even more and the pain you would be in would be terrible. Plus you will feel light headed and most likely faint. " he said "no I won't" I said shaking my head. I heard him chuckle "well stand up" he said "fine" so I tried standing and automatically felt like I was on Fire and being shot and stabbed "I told you " he said "yeah yeah " then the call ended. Then I realized I'm gonna stink for a long time.


Peace Offering// Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now