get in the car

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A couple days have passed since the party and today we are having a girls day because the boys were on a mission. It was around 3 o clock and they all just started getting here. We were all talking "guys I think Luke has a secret " Kaitlin said "what do you think it he's hiding " Erin said "I dont know it just doesn't feel right like his lips have been on someone else or something. He so strange and always gone now " she said I looked at Mia and Taylor. We all had the same idea.
That boy is cheating

"well you guys wanna spy? " I asked they all agreed. "well let's start now" I said " we can't he's doing a mission" " well let's track his phone " we did so and we found an address. "Uhh I dont think he's at a mission.. " Taylor said "right"leah said we all nodded and went to put on some shoes and left. We got to the address and opened the now unlocked door and walked in quietly. I heard a moan and cringe on the inside knowing what Kaitlin is about to see. She walked up stairs following the moans. don't open the door Kaitlin don't do it man. It feels like I'm seeing a scary movie. But she opened the door anyways. Awe man. She gasp in shock seeing them doing it doggy style with whip cream CMON MAN THATS GROSS EW. then I put my hand to my chest seeing that Kaitlin was about to cry. I hope she doesn'tm he isn't worth it so she stuck it threw. "Kaitlin please I'm sorry it wasn't supposed to be like this he said coming towards her but mia stood in front of her " touch her I dare you to " mia said he rolled his eyes and started to push mia. She grabbed his wrist twisted it, kneed him MAY I MIND YOU HE IS STILL NAKED then punched him in the throat "don't touch me either" she said then we all smacked him. Kaitlin went to the girl and punched her. Deng I heard that. Then we all left. Went back to house and Kaitlin ran upstairs with Mia following. I looked at the other girls. "damn" we all said

"do you think the boys knew about this?" I asked "most likely " they said I shook my head in disbelief

Later they all came and we were ignoring them. They sat by us but we moved to the theater room.they followed us " so where is Luke? " mia asked and we were all staring at the movie. Waiting for them to lie "oh he's um at the warehouse " who ever said that is a terrible liar. I even heard a slap with an ow "you sure he isn't cheating? " Erin said then we all flipped out heads to the boys at the same time. "um no?" Chris said "dude stop talking" Jason ordered. I sighed "look we thought it was the right thing to do. Plus Luke is my boy I wouldn't tell " Jason said the rest of the boys nodded we scoffed "so you guys just thought about your stupid 'boy' and not Kaitlin's feelings" Emelia said I sighed again. Then they all tried to hug US or cuddle or pick us up but I heard so many threats leave our mouth "move or I strangle you" "I will set you on Fire if you don't get your nasty hands off me" "I'll cut your balls off" "I will beat you with a stick" "I'll cut you " " your balls will be in your ass in 3.5 seconds if you don't go away" they all backed away and out there hands up in Surrender then left "let's have a sleepover" we agreed and stayed up watching movies it was around 1 and we were all hungry so we went downstairs and saw the boys playing a game " i knew they would come back" Alex said "ya we came for food not you guys in fact why are you even here? Leave now! " mia said standing in front of the TV turning it off. "dude why'd you do that?" Christian said "because I can" mia said back "get out" I said they all sighed and started leaving "can we ATLEAST get a hug? " Ryan said "nope bye" Erin said closing the door on them.

We got food and drinks and laughed and danced all night. I had a fun time with the girls we were all outside laying on the trampoline looking at Stars and not talking just was nice out to, So we decided to sleep on it aswell.

Peace Offering// Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now