why are my chapter names

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When we all woke up we went in the house to see the boys and the kids in the kitchen. We hugged and kissed the kids got food and left to the my room. We were all upstairs and then the kids came in. We played some games and watched TV then they fell asleep again "how are you Kaitlin? " we all diverted our attention to her "I'm good I guess " she said I knew she wasn't so I'll just talk to her about it later.

The boys walked in and started talking but I turned up the TV they continued and I turned it up some more. Eventually it wouldn't go up anymore. They sighed and left. A couple hours later they all had to go but they were all still ignoring them. Jason and Alex stayed. I was walking back upstairs to my room knowing Alex was following me. "talk to me" he begged I rolled my eyes "please, please, please, please, ple-" " su tan estúpido y egoísta Alex. qué siquiera pensar en los pobres sentimientos niñas. ella es tan herido y enojado.!!!!" I yelled at him (your so stupid and selfish Alex. did you even think of the poor girls feelings. she's so hurt and angry.) "I have no clue what you just said but it sounded pretty sexy" I rolled my eyes and hit him the he hovered over me holding his weight "I'm sorry Mia I really am" " why are you apologizing to me?" I asked him "I'm not the one to apologize to. You and your little friends newsboy do that Kaitlin not me. I'm not forgiving you until she does. " I said he sighed "well I'm still gonna be with you whether you like it or not" he said "whatever " then he kissed my forehead both cheeks and looked at me I leaned in and kissed his lips "Now get away from me" I said he laid on the other side of the bed and then sat next in his lap "do you not believe in personal space or...?" I asked "nope" he said popping the p. The my phone rang and it was Kaitlin "hey girl " "dude meet me at Taco Bell right now" "alright" I told her I got off his lap went in my closet and out on some jeans and a floral shirt with some boots. "where are you going? " "taco bell" I answered "can I go" "nope " I said popping the p.

I found Kaitlin In a booth "FLAVIO! " i yelled seeing her "hey" she replied "so guess what" "what" "colten is getting kinda comfortable with me and I'm just like back up he's trying to help me cope with the break up" she said "well do you like him?" "I mean he's alright but I still need time you know? " "well that's good" "look at you pulling these guys " I said she laughed "how soon do you plan on forgiving them?" I asked "I dont know really. I guess until I feel better about myself" I looked at Kaitlin "dude why wouldn't you feel good about yourself? " I asked "well he cheated on me I must have did something wrong" she told me "Noooo it was just him being stupid. Your perfect Kaitlin personality and look wise" "thanks Jose" she said "anytime Flavio" after awhile we decided to go to the mall. We bought a couple things then went our separate ways. I walked in the house and saw Jason he was coming towards me about to say something "don't talk to me and don't touch me" i said continuing to go upstairs "wait please" he said I stopped on the stair and turned around "where should u take her for the date" " I dont know a restaurant" I said about to walk up another step "well a simple one or fancy" "fancy" I said walking away. Went into my room and saw Alex sleeping. Ughhhgg I sighed then I went in my closet and git clothes and started to change into sweat pants. After that I went to play with Kailynn." Kai I'm bored " I told her laying on her bed "can we go cook food " I looked at her and smiled "yes" I picked her up and we made some Cajun chicken Alfredo pasta with peppers in it and shrimp while that was cooking kelsie ended up coming down and we made cupcakes of like every flavor and Kai wanted sprinkles I accidentally hit kelsie with some and she threw some back at me and we ended up having a sprinkle fight "Now who's gonna clean this up" kelsie looked at me I looked at kelsie and kai looked at me "1,2,3 NOSE GOSE" kelsie lost and she had to pick it up. HA..

The food was done and I took a large amount and put more Cajun on it and shrimp. Then Jason and Alex took some to I stared at them waiting for them to eat it. When they did I asked "you like it?" "yeah" "who made it?" Jason asked "me" he suddenly stopped eating "so you don't like it?" "you poisoned it" he said "look Jason if I wanted to kill you I wouldn't do it by poisoning you more like picking your brain" I said he rolled his eyes but continued to eat I finished first and grabbed a chocolate cupcake and a smores one and walked away to the dance room. I took off my pants leaving myself in my spandex and took off my socks. I played a song called to build a home and started dancing I stopped "your a good dancer." Alex said "thank you" I said putting my pants on then socks "your butt is huge you know that? " "shut up" I said he laughed. "But anyways mia I have a question" "ask" I told him

"can I have this dance? "

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