pop corn

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I opened my eyes and jumped back alittle seeing that Alex was right in front of my face "um your in my bubble McCann " I said he just smirked and went even closer to my face "what's your name purple? " he asked "why" I said "because I want to know" "why" "because I asked" " why" I said.  His words were coming out strong meaning he was getting irritated. I smirked and I saw the anger in his eyes.  He came closer by my ear and whispered "tell me now or I will do something I regret. Your starting to annoy me"  he said " well your starting to annoy me to " I said he backed up and punched the wall "wow dont go breaking your hand now " I laughed " he came to me and pinched me hard on my wrist "OW STOP " I said "now will you tell me? " he asked " nope" I said he sighed "why must you be so stubborn? Now I gotta go get the little child" he said making his way upstairs  "stop I'll tell you.  Dont fucking touch her" I said "my name is mia. Happy? " "beautiful " he said back.  I rolled my eyes "now what did you want?" I asked " why did you kidnap me?" he asked " because it's my job " "but why " because I wanted to" "BUT WHY?!! " he yelled losing his patience "because you kill innocent people" I said he was silent and so was I

"why didn't you kill me? " he asked " because I couldn't hurt your brother like that yeah I hurt you but I couldn't kill you.  I'm not THAT heartless" I said "sure I could have hurt you and all but not kill you. If I did want to kill you I would just bomb all of you guy's warehouses. ATLEAST you would die together right? " I finished "why were you nice to me? " "I was? " I said "yeah" " oh,  well I dunno."

We sat in silence just thinking "can you bring them in her or... " I said. He knew who I was talking about "whatever" he said with attitude. dang Uhh okay then. 

A couple minutes later they came in kelsie was next to me holding Kailynn. I noticed a red Mark on kelsie face. I looked at her then looked at Jason then back at her then to jason while Alex was staring at me strangely . My anger was rising I was livid.

"DID YOU HIT HER?! " I yelled at him he smiled and nodded "yeah she decided to run her smart as-" he didn't get to finish his sentence because I punched him in his face then continued to hit him. Alex came behind me and grabbed me by my waist picking me up. When Jason got his composer back he look at me ready to smack me in the face but I kicked him in his face then he jumped on me cause Alex to fall with us Jason then punched me in my face and Alex got from under us and tackled Jason holding him back while kelsie held me back " CONTROL YOUR ANIMAL ALEX" Jason said "CONTROL YOUR MONSTER ALEX" I shot back "I DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING! " Alex said confused

Me kelsie and Kai  are now upstairs on a couch waiting for Jason and Alex to come down. "are you okay kelsie? " I asked her "dude  I'm perfectly fine haha you beat his ass man I'm proud " she said back and we high fived "why did he hit you? " I asked "I wouldn't tell him my name or anything at that so he smacked me" she said " yo the same thing happened to me but he actually punched the wall" before she could say anything they came back.

Alex did the talking since Jason's jaw hurt. HA that's what he gets.

" we have decided not to kill you guys" wow what an honor "instead we want you to join this gang" "no" me and kelsie said at the same time "I want to kill you " I heard Jason muter under his breath "oh what was that Jason speak up or does your jaw hurt alittle too much? " I said he stood up and so did i. He is about 6"3 and I'm 5"3. I'm not scared though.

" I WANT TO KIL-"  "then do it" I said with a smirk of my own he tried to grab me by

the throat but I already punched him in his throat " HEY STOP YOUR FUCKING FIGHTING THIS IS BUISNESS" Alex boomed standing inbetween us I stuck my tongue out at Jason and he made a face. I sat down " anyways I'm not joining this crap especially if hes gonna be my boss or something.we already don't get along plus he hit Kelsie if he can't hit a girl I don't know what he could do to kai " I spoke " I would never hurt her" Jason said " yeah because I believe you" I said back " we have no place in this gang" " can you please just join obviously no one can boss you around." " we only want you for your fighting skills that's all" Jason said rolling his eyes " come with me" kelsie said I picked up kai  and we went into the kitchen.  "if we did join we can just ask to do the missions and I'm guessing we would be training to and since he said only for fighting  theft should let us stay at our home" kelsie said I nodded we went back and we told them the deal.  They sat there for awhile but they agreed to it.  "now take me home" I demanded

We made it to the house and kelsie and Kai  were already in I was getting out but Alex slammed me against the car and put his hand around my neck but not tightly. Just enough to hold me in place. He's bended down to my height. He was around 6"4 so he had a lot of bending to do. "me and Jason will be here around 4 with a lot of gang members to meet you guys and you guys have to give us a tour around your home" he whispered in my ear I bit my bottom lip out of annoyance since he was stopping me from getting under my blankets and into my queen sized bed with food "maybe I don't want to meet anyone tomorrow " "well that's just to bad isn't it Mia " " nope because maybe I won't answer the door" I smirked he smirked back I took his hand from around my neck and started walking away. Tomorrow will be very eventfull

Peace Offering// Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now