Lightening could strike

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They say that love can strike like lightening into people's hearts. Ever since mother's death my personality is very cold and stiff. Most people are really scared to approach me.

As I went for night hunts very often, many ladies are admiring me, who me? The one who is very cold and boring. They only like for my looks and my reputation for being one of the twin jades of Lan sect. They don't even know anything about me.

Although people addresses me as the great Hanguang Jun or the twin jade of Lan, I don't really interested in love or leisure subjects. I am a person who appears where chaos is. These love relationships are really boring.

Mother and Father had such a complicated relationship. My father loved my Mother so much. That love made him lose his reputation by protecting her and even lead him to stay in seclusion. My mother killed one of my father's teachers in our sect because of her personal vengeance and father protected her proclaiming she is his wife. He then locked her up and went to seclusion. Even though he was in seclusion in name, but the truth was , he was in repentance.

Mother's death made me sad and I buried all those feelings in my heart. With a broken heart I lived for 10 years. Love really hurts so it's best to stay away from these matter.

As I was teaching myself like this in all these years, then suddenly like a bolt of lightning my entire perspectives have changed when I met him. The one who changed my life drastically ever since when I turned 15 years old. The person as everyone say destined one or in other words 'soulmate'. My soulmate.

It was a fine morning. Shufu said the three months lecture lead by our sect is starting today. My brother told me that there will be disciples from the other clans would also going to attend the three months lecture and I should attend the classes with them as a student. I don't feel any surprise.

As I was walking with my brother I saw many disciples from various sects are coming for the lecture. Everyone will think that the Gusu Lan sect is too strict with too many rules. Well it's for the best. It must be obeyed.

Hours had passed. It was a full moon night. As I returned after the night patrol, I saw a person breaking the curfew. I don't tolerate any person breaking rules. Who is this person breaking the curfew?

It was a boy just the same age as me. He was carrying something in his hands as I looked on his hands. He just tried to flip over the top of the wall, before he even had one leg inside I caught him.

I didn't let him in. I said, "those who return after curfew will not be allowed back before seven in the morning. Take back the leg on the wall."

The boy pouted and started talking in a baby voice, "come on ge ge, go easy on me, one of my legs has already entered."

I said stubbornly, "take it back."

He still pleaded, "come on why so inflexible?"

I came up, as light as a feather, and asked him, "what object you are holding in your hands?"

He is so handsome. Perhaps in a cute way. He is wearing the white robes that the guest disciples used to wear in our sect and his long black hair tied in a high ponytail. It was tied using a red ribbon. He was fair and his eyes are silver making him look like an immortal. Quite mischievous. I thought to myself.

"It's Emperor's Smile! If I share a jar with you, can you pretend that you never saw me?" The boy said with a wide smile on his face. I noticed that his front teeth looks like a rabbit's teeth.

He was so cute when he smiled. That smile which was brighter than the sun. I said to him with a cold expression. "... Alcohol is forbidden in the Cloud Recesses. That's a worse crime." Well he doesn't even flinch to what I said.

Then he spoke again. "Why don't you tell me what exactly is not forbidden in your sect?"

I was a bit angry and advised him, "go read the Wall of Rules in front of the mountain." But he frowned hearing after hearing my words.

He then started complaining, "ha that stone has over 3000 densely packed rules carved into it, and they're even written in seal script! Who would actually go read it? Moreover, who sect rules are over three thousand and don't even repeat? 'things like killing live stock within the area is prohibited, venturing out at night is prohibited are understandable. But there are even ones like sneering for no reason is prohibited, sitting improperly is prohibited, eating more than three bowls is prohibited! All these rules and there even any meaning to your lives?"

I seethed, "you!"

He continued, "Okay, if alcohol is prohibited in the Cloud Recesses, then I won't go in. I'll drink it standing on the wall. That wouldn't count as violating the rules, would it?"

Then he drank everything in one gulp, right in front of me. While he was drinking the wine, the droplets which were drooling from his mouth went towards to his collarbone and all the way to his chest really made me astonished in the moonlight. His distinct Adam's apple were bobbing while drinking. The sight made me to swallow in. The wine stained his white robes. I really forgot why I'm here. Then I came back to my senses after he finished it. What am I doing? Rules! Rules! Clan rules! I said this in my head.

I lost my temper. "You dare!" I drawed my sword. Mn, he is such a trouble maker.

Oh! yes. I broke a rule for the first time. Fighting without permission. The boy was shocked, "ah! Hey so its a fight you want is it?" He too draws his own sword and the two of us started fighting.

He was really good in fighting skills. He didn't even unsheathed his sword when we fought. I was stubborn.

I broke one of the jars of emperors smile. He was a bit angry. Well I don't tolerate any rule breaking in the cloud recesses not only me my family too. This boy is too impulsive.

Suddenly he jumped from the wall and landed on to ground and shouted, "Hey, your skills aren't bad! What's your name?"

I frowned, "hmph". I then sheathed my sword and walked away.

I have no choice but to complain about him to my shufu. Shufu was angry when he heard this. He told me to keep an eye on him.

After I had my dinner and was going to bed I recalled what happened today as I looked into the window and saw the moon. The moon was shining brightly. It was the first time I was adoring the beauty of the moonlight. What is happening to me? Why all of a sudden the moonlight felt beautiful in my view? I thought about the boy I met in this moonlight. Who is this boy? He is so carefree. I slowly closed my eyes thinking about our magnificent moonlight fight on the wall.

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