Wei Ying

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The next morning came. I woke up early at 5am in the morning. We usually wake up at that time. Time to start another day. I get ready and do my daily meditation to calm myself. After the meditation I went to the  dining hall to have my breakfast.

Then, as I was walking towards the lecture room I heard someone talking so loudly. I ignored those and sit on the seat and get ready for the class. Who is speaking so loudly? It's so familiar. Speaking so loud is prohibited. 

Then I saw a few boys walking towards the lecture hall. My gaze pinned on him. It was him. The boy I had fought last night. That's why I felt the familiarity. He look quite cheerful today. Oh he even made friends with other boys.

Sect leader Nie must've send Nie Huaisang again for his education to Gusu Lan sect. The boy put a hand on another boy's shoulder. Jiang Wanyin, the heir of the Yunmeng Jiang sect. So the boy I met yesterday must be the disciple of the Yunmeng Jiang sect.

“Wei-xiong, You’re so smug.” said Nie Huaisang. Wei.. so his surname is Wei that means he is Wei ying, Wei Wuxian. He is the senior disciple of the Yunmeng Jiang sect. No wonder Jiang Wanyin is so close to him. The fourth rank in young masters. As for the ranking of young masters  my brother is first and I'm second in rank.

He lifted his brows and said "Lan Zhan’s skills were quite good.” What! he is talking about me? He complimented about my skills.

Nie Huaisang spoke again with a fear “You’re gonna die, Wei-xiong! Lan Zhan had never been at such a loss before. He’s probably after you. You should be careful. Although Lan Zhan doesn’t go to classes with us, he’s in charge of punishments in the Lan Sect!”

I listened to their conversation in silence. He was not frightened at all, waving his hand, “What’s there to be scared of? Didn’t everyone say that Lan Zhan had been a prodigy since he was very young? If he’s so smart from such an early age, then he probably finished learning everything his uncle taught and do secluded meditation all the time. How would he have time to come after me? I…”

As he was talking, through the hollowed out window he saw me looking at him. I swept a cold look at them.

He doesn't have any fear. Such a thick skin he has. But there is something special about him. At once, it was as if the ten-or-so mouths were silenced. They quietly entered the room, quietly picked their seats to sit, and quietly avoided the desks around me.

Jiang wanyin patted his shoulder and whispered, “He’s after you. Hope for the best.”

He quickly take his seat and turned his head. I saw him looking at me but I pretended that I never saw him checking me out. I was straight ahead. My shufu came to the room.

He entered with a scroll in one hand. The long scroll of paper rolled all over the ground as soon as he opened it, and he started to talk about the rules of our Lan Sect. "In accordance to our esteemed ancestral guidelines, we must be pious and  filial, disciplined and prudent, live our lives on the righteous path. As cultivators, we must nourish the soul and train the body. When we ascend to immortality...."

The faces of everyone in the room started to grow dark. I listened attentively in the lecture.

Immediately, in the front, Shufu slammed the scroll onto the ground and smiled bitterly, “I am only repeating this one by one because nobody reads it, even though it was carved onto the rock wall. Hence, nobody will be able to violate them using ignorance as an excuse again. Even if I do this, there are still people who do not pay attention. Very well, I will proceed to talk about something else.” His glance as he said was looking at his direction. It's because of the complaint that I reported last night.

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