A Yuan

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During my night hunts, Yiling is my primary destination. Just because of my wish to see him atleast once. Months passed. While I was passing through the street of Yiling there is something holding me from walking. Huh what is happening? Why can't I walk? I thought. I looked down and saw a small child who is holding my leg with his tiny hands. Ah ! I felt sorry. Despite from the looks of the child he must've been lost. I was walking so fast because of anger.

My anger is because while I was having my tea at the teashop the customers and the owner talk nonsense about Wei Ying and even humiliated him.

The people shouted loudly, "in my opinion, the Yiling Laozu is a scourge."

"Who wouldn't say so"

"Tell you what,  the ancestral grave of the family of the next door neighbour's big aunt was dug recently. It must have been him."

"Listen to that"

"I have to say that I heard he is making puppets using corpses."

"How horrifying"

"In the qionqi road he even turned people into a fierce corpses which led to dozen of death. That puppet was a survivor of Wen sect. Since then, people calls him as ghost general. But after the case in Qionqi road, the whereabouts of the ghost general is unknown."

"Where else could he be? He must be doing vice along with Yiling Laozu."

"Hahaha, you people just know the half of it. Yiling Laozu's terrifying abilities are more than making fierce corpses. His dirty tricks were nothing but horror. I'm telling you, he dug those bodies for cracking bones and sucking marrow to enhance his wicked tricks. If the Yunmeng Jiang sect hadn't adopted and cultivated him that Wei Ying would be a mediocre wandering in streets. He shouldn't have defected his clan and injured the young sect leader Jiang. Traitors like him should be killed if anyone would catches him."

"That's right...Yes"

"Right should be killed"

"This kind of people shall be killed."

"Yeah...he deserves death."

With a bang I slammed the tea cup on to the table in anger and walked away. Everyone was shocked to see my reaction to their lame words. Everyone now addresses him as Yiling Laozu, Wei Wuxian.

While walking I bumbed into this little kid who is holding my leg so tightly. His tiny hands holding my leg so tightly I couldn't escape from him. He smiled at me. His cute smile reminded me of someone familiar. Maybe because I looked at him coldly he got scared and that poor kid started crying bitterly. He is a kid aged three or four.

Because of his crying it give attention to the people who were walking through the street came to saw why this kid crying so bitterly holding my leg.

I don't know what to say. I can't shove him off. I cannot be that cruel to a small child. I felt sorry for the child. While the people were watching me and the child, they were whispering about something. I couldn't hear it very well. It was so low. But a second later everyone started talking loudly.

One of the passerbys spoke up, nibbling on melon seeds, "What's happenin' here? The young'un cried so hard it scared me to death."

"Who is this white and blue clothed gongzi beside the child?"

The child's wailing became even more louder. Where are his parents? Why do they left him on this street? I thought.

Someone commented assuredly, "Is he the child's father? As the father, why didn't he comfort the child?"

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