Night hunt together

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I woke up at five in the morning. While he was still asleep. I didn't have the heart to wake him up. I touched his cheek and looked at his face. But at the moment I remembered yesterday shufu and I discussed about the left arm. It should be summoned. Otherwise, it will create more trouble. The arm's owner may had a terrific death. If that arm really has this strength it must be cut along with the person's soul. That is too brutal. I freshned up and went to the mingshi.

It was the building of our Lan Sect used to summon spirits, with walls made from a special material and incantations carved on them.

The door of the mingshi was black and made of wood. It was tightly locked, only able to be opened from inside. It was not only difficult to violently destroy it from the outside.

We put the arm on an array in the ground and started the summoning process. Shufu and I sat down and played the music "evocation" on the zither. It used the corpse, part of the corpse, or loved objected of a deceased person as a medium for the spirit to follow the melody.

We played "evocation" together with some of our disciples. But the arm isn't reacting to our music. It became aggressive. While the situation is in danger, the bells on the Mingshi started to ring. Mingshi was on the western side of the cloud recesses.

Shufu couldn't hold it any longer. He started bleeding from his qiqiao and he fainted on to the floor along with someother disciples. Ever since the mingshi was built, there were almost no cases where the summoning failed. This made everyone more worried.

I told the surviving disciple to run away from mingshi. That arm will start to attack if he stay here any longer. With a loud bang the black door bursted open and the white-clothed disciple rushed outside, staggering and stumbling.

As his legs weren't steady, he rolled down the stairs as soon as he came out. The door of the mingshi instantly closed again, as if someone angrily slammed it shut.

While I continued to play the music suddenly someone kick the mingshi's door and commanded, "open."

The mingshi's door opened abruptly, as if it was laughing wildly with a gaping mouth. Wei Ying entered in a flash, and the door closed right behind him.

This arm has a dark energy. We couldn't complete it. Even I couldn't hold it any longer.

It stood on the ground, as straight as a stick, with the side where it was cut off on the bottom. Four of its fingers were clenched into a fist, yet its index finger pointed toward the sky, as if it was angrily pointing at someone. The steady flow of dark energy that filled the mingshi was emitted by this.

Everyone participating in this spirit summoning ritual had either ran away or passed out. I was the only one still seated properly, at the main position on the east side.

The zither lay on my side. Although my hand wasn't on the strings, they continued to vibrate on their own. When he came in I raised my head. Why this arm doesn't reacting to evocation? I thought.

Wei Ying saw my shufu laying unconscious on the ground. So he replaced into his position, turning around and stepping toward the far west, directly across of me. He pulled the bamboo flute from beside his waist, and lifted it to his lips.

I realised that he wanted to play evocation with me. So I played the music with him.

The arm seemed as if it was angered, with veins twitching visibly. The sense of suppression in the air felt heavier. If someone else was guarding the west side, they would have fallen long ago and ended up in the same way as shufu with their qiqiao bleeding.

We both acknowledge the truth about the arm's strength. As I expected, the dead person's soul was cut apart alongside with his corpse!

Since "Evocation" didn't work, my fingers shifted, and started playing another tune.

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