Where Do I Want To Be In X Years?

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So today I got asked the infinite question. Where do I wanna be in so many years? The years in question was five this time. So, where do I see myself? I hope I see myself with a degree in my hands. I hope I am not in the same job that I am in now. I hope that I am not living in a trailer/mobile home still, and that I actually have a little bit of my own land away from the business of the city, a nice modular home with a basement and a two car garage. I want to see myself on my back porch, curled up on a swing with a blanket on my lap, staring out at the woods behind the house enjoying a cup of coffee. I want to see an office with all of my books on nice shelves with a nice desk to do my writing. I want to see a big wrap around front porch to sit on and watch the sunset. There are a lot of things I want to see with my life in five years. It is nice to imagine all of these things in my life, yet going through the day to day mundane of life, it is sometimes difficult to see the big picture. It is easy to get caught up in the day to day grind that it seems almost impossible to see how much progress you make on a daily basis to get to your end goals. There are so many things I want to accomplish and places I want to go and see and experience. Every morning I wake up and set off to do the same things I do almost everyday, and every night I lay down and feel exhausted but I don't feel like I do anything productive. I feel like I am drifting through life without a true purpose except to just simply exist. I can only hope that one day I wake up and I am where I want to be. I sadly know that this will not be the case for the next couple of years. Yet, I hold out hope that a miracle could happen while I go about my daily drifting. I just wish for the simple small town life. I miss the small town feel of life. I have never been a big city person. I am more of a barefoot walking in a field surrounded by trees instead of walking through a mall with shopping bags galore. I have always been drawn to the simple things in life. I've never been one for shopping sprees, fancy clothes and cars, tennis bracelets and diamonds. My tastes are much more suited to a good pair of jeans, a charm bracelet, a well loved jeep, gemstones, and tennis shoes. It is just how I have always been and how I will always be. One day I will enjoy my simple pleasures where I want and know that I really did make it. I'm just curious on how many years will it take for me to be where I want to be. 

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