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Another year added to my age, another lifetime of wisdom I have learned. I have had some pretty major changes happen to me this past year. Most of them you already know as I write about them. But I also moved out of state. It was a long time coming and I honestly could not be happier with my choice. I am in a stable relationship with an amazing man who treats me like a queen. He tells me he loves me and I can tell he means it. He does not judge me on my past, rather he encourages me to build on those lessons. This past year holds a lot of memories I would like to forget, yet they in turn make me who I am right now. Every year at this time I feel the need to go through what I call my "baby box." I call it this as it is my entire life in a nutshell. Keys from old houses, stuffed animals from friends past, lists I made about stuff I thought I cared about, and one photo album. The only one I was lucky enough to walk away with. Pictures mean a lot to me. If I could have one thing, it wouldn't be the lottery. It would be to have all of those pictures back. Which is why I take so many pictures, if only to have them as memories and possibly be able to hand them down one day. Last year was a roller coaster. Here is to hoping this next year is a smooth boat ride on a calm lake. No matter the amount of crap I went through last year, I'm still excited for what is to come. More likely I am excited for who I get to spend it with. The wonderful man snoring in my bed and hogging the covers at the moment. The man who surprised me with two birthday cards, just because he wanted me to feel extra special. The man I have found forever with and knowing me, forever is a big word.

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