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All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. None of the situations or personalities found here reflect reality. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Trigger Warning: Bullying


(Just in case anyone wants to see it in detail. Yes, I did edit Hufflepuff Tom Riddle as well, this has a major connection with the main character of this story.)


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• I am a British writer, therefore my grammar, spelling and punctuation may be different from your country's. If you spot any grammatical errors, then kindly point them out to me using the comments section and I'll fix them for you.

(English is my first language but I'm just stupid sksksk)

• I only appreciate positive comments on my stories. If I see negative comments on my story then I won't hesitate to remove them.

(I won't hesitate, bitch)

• I do not authorise anyone reposting and/or translating this story into a different language. This goes for any other books of mine because I put a lot of effort into writing, not for others to steal or ghost-write them.

• There will be ships within this book. I don't care whether you ship the pair or not. You need to keep in mind that I created this book, therefore I get to choose which ships I will include in this book.

• Please don't message me via Wattpad inbox about the book or anything in particular because I won't have the time to go through all the messages.


The story is first set in the year 2020 (where the next-generation characters will be first introduced). However, since this is a time travel book, the dates will change. These dates will be informed to you all as you read the book.

Yes, there will be OCs. However, I planned these OCs for 3 months before writing this story. These characters of mine will fit well in the book, you won't realise that they're OCs. So if you're an OC hater (like me lmao) then at least give this book a chance.

EDIT: I have realised how unclear I was with the above statement. I don't fully hate OCs at all! It's when books make them incredibly flawless or outright "Mary Sues", then I'll have to close the book.

There will also be crack-fic humour. Ah yes, my favourite type of humour. This book will be filled with jokes that are utter nonsense and will keep you entertained while you read my book. There may be some swearing or sexual jokes but there isn't anything offensive, don't worry!

Age in this book isn't an important factor, and I will change ages throughout this book. The character's age will only have a small effect on the plot when it is mentioned. Besides that, you don't have to stress over the characters' ages.

Don't be alarmed by the tag, "Jeverus". You may be wondering, "How the hell is there gonna be Jeverus when you need Jily to create Harry?" Don't worry, Jily is going to happen and I will not separate them throughout the book. Using "Jeverus" was the closest alternative I could find since it's an OC/character. However, this tag has a lot to do with one of my OCs, and I'm positive you will all love the ship.

Delphi Riddle (referred to in this book as "Delphini") will be Delphi Lestrange in this book. It'll fit in better with my book. The events of the Cursed Child never happened yet (save for the fact that Albus and Scorpius are still best friends) and Delphi is a good character in this book. However, Voldemort does have a child, and he'll be one of the main characters in this book.

The Hogwarts houses for some of the characters are going to change so it fits better with their personality and the plot. Don't expect everything in this book to correspond with Cursed Child.

This one will cause a lot of opinions to spur, so please respect each other's opinions. I'm not a Severus Snape sympathiser but I don't full-on hate him. I like his interesting character but definitely not his personality. In this book, the characters will sort of "adore" Severus in one of the scenes. This isn't because I do, I just was to reiterate that this is a crack-fic, so none of the characters' heads are working correctly.

Important note! Voldemort in both 1995 and 1975 looks exactly like his younger self (example: Tom Riddle Jr in the 'Chamber of Secrets' film). Except, he will be much paler and will have red eyes. So he doesn't look like his snake-self as shown in the films. And he definitely has a nose, lmao.

"One time for the present. Two times for the past." - 'My Time' by Jungkook of BTS

All rights reserved © 2020 by kadiok

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