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"Hugo! Come on! Let's go to Hogsmeade!" Delphi whined

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"Hugo! Come on! Let's go to Hogsmeade!" Delphi whined. Hugo immediately shot up from his seat and joined his crush.

"Of course, Delphi... anything for you-" Hugo was snapped out of his dreamy gaze when he was dragged to the entrance by the young girl. "Delphi? Are you sure all those outdoor wear is necessary?" Hugo asked.

Delphi was walking beside the redhead while sporting a very large coat with a neck scarf, a woolly hat, and two gloves. All in all, she looked like a cosy meatball. I know it's weird but try and picture it in your head lmao.

"Of course! It's too cold, Hugo," Delphi replied. As the pair walked through Hogsmeade, they received a lot of weird stares from others - probably because of Delphi wearing a lot of winter clothing in the middle of spring. The pair just ignored the stares and walked through the path.

"Ooh, should we go to Hog's Head Inn? I can buy us each a jug of butterbeer," Hugo took out three galleons from his pocket, which was just enough for two jugs of hot butterbeer. The pair passed a purple pig with wings and they both stared at it weirdly.

"Why thank you, Hugo," Delphi smiled. Hugo blushed and scratched the nape of his neck, "I-It was nothing, really..."

The pair walked into the Inn, immediately catching the attention of the people inside. Apparently, Delphi wearing many layers of winter clothing caught a lot of people's attention. Madam Rosemerta approaches them, "Welcome, what would you two like to have?"

Delphi wiggled in her chair (because of her large coat) and smiled at the waitress. "Two jugs of hot butterbeer, please!" Delphi said. Rosemerta smiled, nodding her head as she wrote down their order.

Unknown to the three of them, Ms Keisha (Delphi's snake) had escaped her pocket and slithered away from the table.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Tobias, Lily II and Tom II walked through Hogsmeade with Severus and Lily (who avoided eye contact with each other and walked awkwardly behind them). Some students whispered to each other as they watched Tom II walked past them.

"Only descendants of Salazar Slytherin can speak parseltongue!"

"What is a parselmouth doing in Hufflepuff?"

"Do you think he's connected to the Dark Lord?"

"To be honest, I find him so fetch!"

"Gretchen, stop trying to make 'fetch' happen, it's not going to happen!"

Tom II sighed in defeat, hearing the gossiping of students around him. "So... grandma, Mr Snape-" Lily II started.

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