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Potions went by as quickly as it came, and nothing bad happened (save the fact that James II had kept confessing his love for Tobias, and Tobias had tried his best to not blush)

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Potions went by as quickly as it came, and nothing bad happened (save the fact that James II had kept confessing his love for Tobias, and Tobias had tried his best to not blush). "What do we have next?" Lucy asked her older sister.

"Half of us are going to go to Herbology while the other half are going to DADA with-" Moly II informed them.

"With Umbridge? Count me out," Louis changed his direction and walked towards the Herbology classroom outside. "Me too, that woman makes me want to pull my hair out just by looking at her," Lily II walked with Louis. Molly II shrugged and walked after them.

"Plants whither at the sight of her, you know?" Scorpius laughed as he placed his arm around Albus' II waist (like all normal bros do, of course) and walked with his best friend to the Herbology classroom. "I am so confused about their relationship," Ron piped up, puzzled. Harry just shrugged and Hermione tried her best to ignore their nonsense.

"You're all a reason why I see a therapist," Tobias separated from the group and joined the others, going to the Herbology class.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind learning some defence strategies," Tom II commented.

"I didn't mind at the start of the year too until we had a lunatic teaching us Defence," Harry replied, walking beside the sheepish Hufflepuff boy. "She doesn't even teach us correctly, she just uses a bunch of books supplied by the Ministry!" Hermione argued.

"That sounds like an idiot, surprised you weren't talking about Regulus over here," Fred II laughed when Regulus II shoved him playfully.

"WE HAVE A BIG, GIANT EMERGENCY!" James II exclaimed dramatically, earning the attention of most people in the hallway. Delphi shrugged and turned around, secretly firing missiles with her cat at oblivious students.

"I breathed," Hugo said, just about to follow the rest down to the Herbology classroom.

"What is it now?" Rose groaned.

"I lost my glasses!" James II squinted his eyes. Dominique looked at the top of his head, where the glasses resided. "Five galleons and I'll help you find it," she said.

"Watch it, Potter-!" Draco was about to shove him away.

"I have a little feeling that our sons are dating," Harry pointed at Scorpius and Albus II from afar (Scorpius still had his arm around Albus' waist). "Well, no shit," Fred II shoved them both away, walking inside of the DADA classroom.

"Welcome, new students!" Umbridge chirped as she gave them a sweet smile. Dominique wanted to pull out her vocal cords right there. "Uhm, no pets are allowed in the classroom," she cleared her throat and looked at Missy - who was sleeping peacefully on Delphi's shoulder.

"Okay!" Delphi opened a window and threw Missy out of it.

Umbridge gave her a puzzled look while Tom II sat down next to Harry. Ron sat on the other side and Hermione sat next to her daughter, Rose. "Okay class, today you will all have-" Umbridge was interrupted by James II, who fell to the floor half-blind (his glasses were still on his head and everyone was too lazy to help him).

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