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The year 2020 - where corona called bullshit

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The year 2020 - where corona called bullshit

"Here we are, Tom. Here is your new home," A 39-year-old Harry potter opened his car door for a young boy. The young man stepped out of the passenger's seat and looked at the grand house. His mouth agape in awe, the 17-year-old stared at the Potter's mansion.

"It's so... vast," he whispered, holding his luggage tightly. With all his courage, the young man followed Harry to the front doorstep. He watched the older man fiddle with the house keys, before finally opening the mansion door with a click.

"Dad!" a young teen dashed across the hallway, embracing Harry in a tight hug.

"Hello, Lily," Harry gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead.

"Lily," the young boy mumbled to himself while he looked at the beautiful girl. Lily II had long, ginger hair and her skin was pale. She sported tiny freckles on her face.

"Dad, who's that?" Lily II inclined her head towards the young man behind Harry. Sheepish, he hid behind Harry, causing a chuckle to escape Harry. The older man turned to the side and patted him on the back, gently pushing him forward so the shy boy could introduce himself. "Lily, meet Tom. Tom, meet Lily," Harry said.

Tom II looked at the older man for reassurance before sticking his hand out to shake Lily's II hand. "I'm going to be staying at your house for a while," Tom II sheepishly rubbed the nape of his neck.

"You should come and meet my siblings and my cousins. Oh, and my friends!" Lily II grabbed Tom's II hand and dragged the shy boy all the way to the living room.

"I knew they'd get along quickly," Ginny emerged from the kitchen and stared at the pair of young teens. She gave her husband a quick peck on the lips and Harry picked the luggage up. "What are you cooking, love? It smells amazing," Harry smiled, kissing his wife on the lips again.

"Treacle tart hearts, your favourite," Ginny laughed quietly. Harry excused himself, taking Tom's suitcase upstairs.

"Ginny? Have you seen Hugo? He needs to have his medicine," Hermione asked the ginger lady. Ginny nodded her head, gesturing over to the living room.

"Thank you, Ginny," Hermione smiled and walked towards the living room door. She opened it and immediately fell back in shock.

"Regulus, you can't do that-!" James II shouted.

"Oh yeah, why not?!" Regulus II shouted back, holding the Marauder's map.

"BECAUSE THE MATH ISN'T MATHING!" James II yelled, lunging at Regulus II. Tom II immediately hid in the cupboard, scared that he had caused something and waited for the fight to die down. Lily II looked around the room to find Tom II but he had just disappeared.

"BOYS!" Hermione got up hastily, picking up the medicine from the floor. Regulus II and James II stopped fighting immediately. "What have I told you about fighting?!" Hermione scolded the pair as they looked down at the floor in shame.

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