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The year 2020

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The year 2020

"I can't believe you put makeup all over my boyfriend," Victoire laughed as a Teddy - with a face full of makeup, which made him look surprisingly good - grumbled as he walked sluggishly behind the two sisters. Dominique laughed as she stared back at her sister's boyfriend.

"I'm taking this off right as we get back," Teddy grumbled, opening the front door. The group of children stepped inside the house and took their shoes off. "I'm going to the bathroom to take this off," Teddy ran up the stairs while Roxanne looked around the mansion.

"It's awfully quiet, don't you think?" Roxanne commented as she entered the dining room to see... no one. "Where did everyone go?" Louis asked, peeking his head inside of the living room. No one.

"Hello! You guys?! James, if you, Regulus and Fred are pulling another prank on us, then we'll tell your parents!" Lucy yelled, trying to find.

"Yo, come look at this," Roxanne knelt in front of a pile of sand in the middle of the living room. Lucy and Molly II knelt on each side of her, their shoulders touching. "What is that?" Molly II asked, moving closer to the time turner. Louis moved his head behind Dominique so he could get a better view.

"What did you three find?" Victoire placed her hand on Molly II, startling her. Suddenly, Molly II fell forward onto the sand with a "yelp" and all five kids got transported away. "Girls?! Louis?! Did one of you say something?" Teddy threw all the used makeup wipes away and looked into the living room.

"Victoire?! Roxanne-!" Teddy accidentally stepped on the sand pile, making him transport away after the others...

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"You said that I had another daughter? Where is she?" George asked his son. Fred II was about to open his mouth when a loud thud was heard from outside the door. Quickly, the Order members whipped out their wands, aiming it at the door. "Wait! It's Roxanne, my twin sister! She's a 5th year Gryffindor," Fred II pointed at her sister as she stumbled into the dining room.

"Did we just time travel?" Louis walked behind Roxanne.

"That's Uncle Bill's son, Louis. He's a 4th year Ravenclaw," Rose introduced.

"If he's my son, then why is he blond?" Bill stepped forward. Louis looked at his young father in surprise, his scar wasn't there anymore.

"Because our mum's Fleur Delacour," Dominique stood next to her younger brother, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'm Dominique, your second child. I'm also a 7th year Slytherin," she flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder while unexpectedly posing fabulously.

"I'm Victoire Weasley, your eldest. I used to be a Ravenclaw but now I work as a nurse," Victoire smiled at Bill.

"Victoire?!" Teddy yelled from the other side of the door.

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