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1995 - yes, the author has made yet another cliffhanger

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1995 - yes, the author has made yet another cliffhanger

The Great Hall was silent. Just the scribbling of quills was to be heard as the students did their OWLs. Albus II felt his brain getting fried as he worked through his Charms exam papers. Scorpius was in front of him, completely baffled while Rose was three seats away from them, storming through her paper and answering every answer in a split second.

Harry sighed, he was completely clueless as well. Ron was trying to recall one of Hermione's rants from his memory, hoping to find a memory of the answer in them while Hermione herself had just finished the exam.

While Umbridge was looking down upon the students, observing them writing, a small thud was heard from across the hall. The pink toad walked across the hall, in search of the source of the sound as Albus II looked back. Scorpius looked to his side and spotted his father, who was also working through the test.

As Umbridge opened the large doors of the hall, a small spark of firework flew next to her face and buzzed around. Suddenly, the firework moved away from Umbridge and flew into the hall, exploding into a firework and startling the students. Umbridge looked in fear as she stepped more further out of the hall.

Out of nowhere, the Weasley twins, Roxanne and Fred II flew into the hall, screaming. "Oh my-!" Scorpius yelled and threw his exam papers up in the air. Albus II followed suit and so did the people around them. In an instance, the hall was filled with flying Charm papers.

Hermione and Rose were startled, they had been studying the whole year just for their tests to be flown into the air! Harry and Ron cheered as the two sets of Weasley twins threw fireworks behind them, creating a colourful firework display.

"Bloody hell!" Ron laughed and grabbed Harry's shoulder as they jumped out of their seats to cheer. Albus II, Scorpius and Draco joined them, looking up in awe. "Not again!" Rose grumbled furiously and Hermione's huffed as she stood up. Secretly, both mother and daughter were quite relieved that Umbridge was finally getting justice.

Umbridge looked at the display of fireworks in confusion and anger. She stepped into the hall and watched both sets of twins fly around while screaming at the top of their lungs. "Holy shit!" Louis ran inside, followed by Molly II, Dominique and Lucy.

Mini fireworks were set around the children as they stood next to each other. "I can't believe they actually did this!" Lucy laughed, joining Harry. Draco ducked down, barely dodging a firework as it exploded above him.

"This is absolutely ridiculous!" Draco laughed. Ron laughed with the blond boy and Harry and Hermione looked at them in surprise. Both Malfoy and Weasley were actually getting along. Ginny ran in, almost bumping into Dominique, "I heard a loud boom from the other room!" the redhead laughed.

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