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I see you have somehow survived the chapters before this one

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I see you have somehow survived the chapters before this one. Man, that was a load of bullshit. I literally can't write English to save my life and I laugh at my own jokes like a loser. This book is more chaotic than the relationship I have with my siblings, and that says a lot.

Where did the idea come to write this book? I was just inspired by the other Next Generation time-travel books on this satanic website. To be honest, I loved reading the type of books where a character from a different timeline ends up in the past or future.

But I wanted to add a little twist to the book.

The characters. Ah yes, the characters were the juice of the meat. Okay, that was fucking weird, I'll never say that again in my life. Anyways, the characters were what made the book fun for me to write. I made these characters so chaotic, I had several migraines while writing this book.

My favourite character was, of course, Lucy and Tobias. Lucy was just some dumbass who was tired of other dumbasses and Tobias was a depressed, Gen Z teenager, who hated every existence surrounding him (as well as his own). But the character whom I could relate to most was definitely Roxanne, the food-lover.

Oh, and the vines and memes. Now that was fun. Of course, most crack-books always have vines and memes added for the humour factor. It's what makes the humour in a book iconic. In all honesty, not once in my life have I ever encountered a Harry potter crack-book. But that's probably because I'm a blind bitch. I always read Avengers crack-fics and BTS crack-fics but I never see enough Harry Potter crack-fics.

Of course, I had a long talk with God in my sleep and he told me that my destiny was to make the Potter-heads laugh. Sike, I'm too unimportant for God to talk to me; off to the clown circus I go 🤡

A little secret (which I hinted in the introduction) this book was actually planned many months before the first chapter came out! I planned these characters for so long and even created little scenarios in my head about the personalities of each character.

In the first draft of my book, they were actually meant to help Dumbledore win against Grindelwald, all the way in 1945... That would have been one interesting plot 👀

The character which took the longest to prepare was Tom II. At first, he was going to be a sly character just like his father but then I wondered: imagine if he was the complete opposite of his father. How the turn-tables.

If you didn't know, this book was slightly inspired by the show "The Office". Especially with the parts where Delphi used her camera and recorded snippets of the characters talking to her camera, sometimes even the camera zooming into the character's faces.


FUN FACT! When I first planned this story, I was going to write a prologue in which a now older Harry made it his top priority to find all the orphans from significant (both good AND bad) figures in his life.

e.g. Regulus II from Sirius, Tobias II from Severus, Delphini from the Lestranges, Tom II from Voldemort.

This was so that he ensured they wouldn't go through the pain he went through (by being stuck with the Dursley's) or what Tom Riddle Jr had to go through (living in a nasty orphanage which fuelled his hatred for muggles) eventually leading to him losing his sanity.

Harry actually cared for these children. The order in which he kinda "adopts" them (not really - like takes them into their home) is simple. Teddy (being his godson) was already taken in so he's not part of the list.

First came Delphini (who, fun fact, in my AU was originally found by Luna Lovegood). Being Luna's sidekick in a way from a young age was where her iconic, dazed personality came from. Harry took her in from there and she became great friends with the Potter children and Ginny Potter.

Then came Regulus II. Due to Sirius being a bit careless at his young age (before the Azkaban incident) he lived up to his playboy status and got a woman (unknown) pregnant. However, this was also during the first war so a spell from a Death Eater cursed the pregnant woman and she was only able to give birth many years later. Harry, noticing his godfather's features immediately, took him in from an orphanage (NOT Wool's orphanage). Regulus II then became a marauder, becoming close to James II, Louis, Fred II and eventually falling in love with Rose Granger-Weasley.

(As you can see, I saw the whole "cursed pregnancy" as quite much of a coincidence, and a bit messy so I didn't really want to add it into the final draft of this book).

Then came Tobias II. In my opinion, I have mixed feelings about Severus Snape. But, GOD is his character so interesting. Yeah, he was a bully and a douchebag at his GROWN AGE, but he sacrificed his life countless times while blocking his mind from the DARK LORD himself, literally every day. The dude felt like self-destructing literally every millisecond but still got shít done like bro, he's badass but also a dumbass at the same time. 💀

So when Harry sees some grumpy kid who somehow broke into Spinners End (Severus' old house) through the CHIMNEY and goes by the name "Tobias Snape" then Harry already knows that shit is about to go DOWN. (Plus he also takes him in because he low-key ships Tobias II with James II but they'll never know that hehe).

Finally came Tom II who lives in the same orphanage AND room 27 as his father, Tom Riddle Jr (much to Harry's spook meter). Harry's all like, "Oh god, I ain't creating another Voldemort," and after chatting with Tom II for a while, he realised that this is the softest kid he has ever met. Holy moly,  there's no way this is Voldemort's kid. BUT IT IS... so after convincing Ginny to take in YET ANOTHER CHILD into their already chaotic house, we see Tom II and Harry drive from the orphanage to the Potter mansion...

... This leads us to where Tom II is first introduced to the children in chapter one of this book. THE END 🏃🏻‍♀️


For real, thank you all so much for reading my book! I can't thank you enough for at least giving this book a chance (even though it was utter bullshit). Today's date is the 13th of September, 2020, and this book currently has 975 reads. I wonder if that number will ever rise...

And finally, go ahead and follow me!

Again, thank you for reading this book! Make sure to check out my other stories!

Yours truly,


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