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1975 - The Death Eaters are here to snatch some wigs

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1975 - The Death Eaters are here to snatch some wigs

The children stared right at the group of Death Eaters as many other Death Eaters started to wreak havoc outside of Hogs Head Inn. Tobias sighed, sipping his butterbeer and staying completely still as everyone else in the restaurant lept up from their seats and ran in different directions. "Aren't you going to run? You might get stunned!" Lily asked him.

"I've dealt with enough bullshit in my life, this is nothing," Tobias replied, drinking his drink. James II swiftly picked the lanky boy bridal-style and rushed with his grandmother towards the exit of the shop.

"Not so fast, James Potter!" a Death Eater apparated in front of them, aiming a cruciatus curse at them. James pulled his grandson away and Lily away before the three of them could get cursed. "My Lord, there is two of them!" the Death Eater informed Voldemort. The Dark Lord watched James II and James, then he spotted Regulus II and Sirius.

"Missy, fire!" Delphi held out her cat and Missy fired out a missile launcher out of its mouth. The missile went flying across the room and hit a group of Death Eaters. "Bellatrix, why are you hitting us? We're on your side!" A male Death Eater snapped. Voldemort narrowed his eyes as he looked at Delphi, then turned to Bellatrix who was wearing a mask (her crazed her was still visible).

Delphi furrowed her brows in confusion, "But I'm not-"

"DUCK!" Hugo pulled Delphi down before wall next to them could hit her. It exploded, making the rubble go everywhere. "What duck?" Delphi asked, looking for the duck.

"No time!" Hugo pulled his crush off the floor and ran away.

A few Aurors appeared in the Inn, fighting off the Death Eaters as Voldemort defeated each Auror with ease. Tobias ran towards the broken window, attempting to escape. "Severus," Voldemort said simply, looking at Tobias.

Tobias slowly turned to the Dark Lord, "If you step closer to me then my brain will implode," Tobias scurried underneath the table, confusing the Dark Lord. Severus accidentally bumped into Voldemort from behind. The Slytherin boy looked up at Voldemort, "I'm sorry, my Lord-"

"Tobias! Get away from him!" Teddy pulled Severus by the arm and ran with the Slytherin. Voldemort blinked; who was Tobias? He only knew Severus Snape...

Tom II and Lily II were hiding under a table, too scared to come out and escape. "I-I'm scared Tom, I'm too scared to leave!" Lily II whispered, she looked as if she was about to cry.

Tom II looked more teary-eyes than Lily II, "I don't wanna leave," he whispered, trying to muffle his breathing as the Death Eaters neared the corner table (where they were hidden). Regulus II headbutted into a masked Lucius, and then jumped on Peter and they both ran out of the Inn.

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