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1975 - where the Marauders be irritating

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1975 - where the Marauders be irritating

"So, what is your blood status?" a Slytherin asked Tobias as he sat down at the table.

"I'm O-positive," Tobias looked up at his confused face, "Oh? You mean in magic terms?"
The Slytherin nodded. Tobias sighed, should he lie or tell the truth? "I'm a half-blood."

Bellatrix looked at him in disgust, "Then you shouldn't be allowed on this table." Tobias looked at her with a glare while thinking of 69 different ways to end her life in a split second.

"Hi, mum!" Delphi sat next to Bellatrix even though she was wearing Ravenclaw attire. Bellatrix looked at her daughter, then at the cat in her lap. "Who is that?" Bellatrix pointed at the cat.

"That's my cat, Missy. It's short for Missile Launcher," Delphi held out her cat and aimed it straight at Lucius. The cat's mouth opened and a missile flew out of it, aiming straight at Lucius.

"WHAT IS THAT!" Lucius shrieked as he ducked down, the missile barely missing the top of his head. Bellatrix blinked as she stared from the cat to Lucius (who was very traumatised) then back at her daughter. "Your cat isn't supposed to do that..." Regulus got up from underneath the table.

"HI, MY NAME IS JAMES SIRIUS POTTER, AND I AM CONFESSING MY LOVE TO TOBIAS SEVERUS SNAPE!" James II yelled at the top of his lungs, scaring nearly half of the students and teachers in the room. The author jumped in surprise and almost spilt her tea across her laptop but she continued to write the chapter.

"Potter, what the fuck?!" Tobias shrieked.

Delphi took out an orangutan from her backpack and let it roam freely across the Slytherin table. "Where are you getting these animals from?!" Rodolphus Lestrange asked his future daughter.

"Honestly, father, I have no idea," Delphi smiled while the crocodile started to snap its jaw at the orangutan.

Across the room, at the Hufflepuff table, Tom II and Lily II were having a nice chat with Lily. That was confusing, even for me. "You know, my birthday is next week! What are you going to give me?" Lily II asked a random Hufflepuff on her table.

The Hufflepuff blinked in surprise, "Uh, a birthday gift?"

Lily II stared at her, "So you're just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday, to my birthday party, on my birthday party with a birthday gift?" Tom II looked from both girls, blinking silently.

The Hufflepuff girl shrugged, "Yeah...?" Lily II grabbed a plate from the table and hit the random Hufflepuff on the head, knocking her unconscious.

Lily Evans looked at her granddaughter and then at the unconscious Hufflepuff, "That was the most awkward thing I have ever witnessed, and I have witnessed a lot of awkward things."

Yes, we're taking a journey back to the Slytherin table. Tobias grumbled, stabbing his ham with a fork violently as he continued to think of ways in murdering Bellatrix. "Don't let his violence fool you, he used to do ballet," Delphi hummed, playing with another one of her pets - I lost count.

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