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Due to Voldemort's orders, Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Lucius were undercover at Hogwarts, trying to persuade Tom II and Delphi to join the Dark Lord's side of the battle

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Due to Voldemort's orders, Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Lucius were undercover at Hogwarts, trying to persuade Tom II and Delphi to join the Dark Lord's side of the battle. Lucius headed to Tom II, passing by James II and Tobias. They were quarrelling again - no surprise there.

"Why don't you ever prank Delphi or something?!" Tobias yelled at the Gryffindor.

"Because she isn't as pathetic as you!" James II stuck his tongue out.

"Bitch, please. The only pathetic one in this school is you," Tobias sneered.

James II snorted, "That's not what your mum said-"

Tobias hit James II, on the top of his head, with the empty vodka bottle that a drunk, Regulus II was holding. "Hey! Why'd you take my bottle!" Regulus II slurred.

Tobias threw the broken bottle back at the drunk boy as he dragged James' II unconscious body in a closet. "Tobias, are dragging a body into a closet...?" Severus questioned his future son as he was followed by both Lilys. Suddenly, Tobias started to unbuckle his belt, startling the trio.

"Tobias, what on earth are you doing?" Lily asked the Slytherin.

Tobias looked up, "I'm unbuckling my belt and taking my trousers down so you all can kiss my ass."

Lily II looked mortified, "Tobias! That's your FATHER for God's sake-!"

Lucius blinked and looked away, not wanting to interfere with whatever the fuck that was. He walked towards the Hufflepuff common room, in search for Tom II. The blonde male passed Teddy and the Marauders.

"O-M-G!" Remus yelled, looking at Teddy's phone. Teddy was taken aback.

"You what, mate?"

"This is so LIT!" Sirius said as Delphi recorded the group of boys with her camera.

"Don't mind me, I'm just recording you all for a little TV show," Delphi smiled.

"Oh, R-L-Y?" Peter asked, confusing Delphi. She then zoomed the camera onto Teddy's hopeless looking face.

"Can you please stop using those type of words? For the love of God, please?" Teddy sighed in disappointment.

"What 'R' you gonna do about it? L-M-A-O!" James laughed with the Marauders. Delphi zoomed her camera onto Teddy again, his face was painted with a quizzical expression.

"L-O-L! Burn!" Sirius yelled.

Remus turned to Delphi's camera, "I did a few researching on my son's phone about the language of 'Gen Z' as they call it. I used this app, what is it called again?" He tried to recall the website name. "Ah yes! Urban Dictionary, such an intriguing website, L-M-F-A-O," Remus said, his face void of any laughter.

"I'm confiscating my phone from all four of you," Teddy put his phone back in his pocket.

"S-M-H!" Peter rolled his eyes.

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