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The year 1995 - where most time shit goes down

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The year 1995 - where most time shit goes down

"Merry Yule!" Fred, George and Ginny cheered, hopping around the long table. Arthur was slowly teaching out for his Yule paper hat from his chair (he was still recovering from the Ministry incident) as Harry smiled brightly at his godfather from the other side of the table.

"Shit bro, how are we gonna go back now?!" Albus II whispered, peeking through the gap of the slightly opened door.

Mad-Eye Moody watched the celebration go down, rolling his eyes in annoyance when his fake eye spotted a moving figure from behind the door. "STOP!" Alastor shouted, causing all the celebration to halt. Everyone Order member and child turned to the door, where Alastor was faced and heard shuffling noise from behind the door.

"I'm sure it's just that ratchet elf," Sirius scowled, referring Kreacher, the house-elf.

Behind the door, however, Mrs Black's portrait spotted a young girl in the crowd of children. "Ah, Bellatrix dear, so nice to see you."

Delphi turned around in terror, "Shut up! I ain't Bellatrix!" the Bellatrix-lookalike panicked, aiming her cat at the portrait. Missy's mouth opened, firing a small missile at the portrait and making it fall to the ground.

On the other side of the door, the adults pointed their wands as Mad-Eye slowly edge towards the door. "Quick!" James II shouted in the shadowed corner of the passageway. All the children hid in the shadowed corner, squished up, except for Tom II. It seems that the poor boy is so hesitant, he won't be able to hide in order to save his life.

James II moved back into Tobias, who kept his hand on James' II waist - to make some space obviously, definitely not to get a chance to touch his waist, what were you all thinking? It was quite squished up, but all they could was stare in horror as Tom II stood frozen.

Mad-Eye Moody swung the door open and aimed his wand straight at the boy's face. Tom's II eyes were wide as he looked directly at the wand. Some Order members gasped at the resemblance that the boy had with young Voldemort himself. "WHO ARE YOU?! WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?!" Mad-Eye Moody yelled at the boy.

Tom II could only quiver in terror as his eyes teared up. The boy was so emotional that it seemed as if all of his father's lost emotions were added to his (since Voldemort couldn't feel any love). "IF YOU DON'T ANSWER, I WILL NOT HESITATE TO JINX YOU!" Mad-Eye screamed again. Tom II looked past him and watched the young Harry, his wand pointed at him too.

"Now, now, Alastor. Don't scare the poor boy," an old, calming voice rang out from behind. Tom's II heart ached as he fell to the floor and started to cry. Now the Order members were feeling a bit sympathetic for the young boy. Tom II felt a reassuring hand on his shoulder, as he continued to cry. "Come on, my boy. I have a feeling you aren't from this area, or should I say? This timeline," Albus Dumbledore helped him up.

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